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  • We used a two person system.

    One held the cat close to their body, securing the front paws against the cat with one hand and securing the head with the other hand. You have to secure the back hips against you with your arm or elbow.

    The other pushed the pill into the cat's mouth, held it shut and stroked the throat.

    After a few months the cat realized struggling wasn't worth the effort and only tried to claw our faces off if we got complacent.

    We miss her very much.

  • My cat has a fungal infection in his brain and requires one pill twice a day. Been doing this for sevenish years. He's the only cat I've ever had, so take this with a grain of salt, but I just get him on my chest and pet him until he starts purring. Then I use a finger to open his mouth and push the pill to the back of his throat, and immediately go back to petting him. He swallows it, and sometimes gags for a second. But, I do it really quickly, and usually it's over quick enough that he doesn't even stop purring. YMMV

  • My cats will eat anything if it's served with Churu. That stuff is wild. Just a blob of Churu in my hand with the pill in it and the cat's so into licking the Churu they don't even realize they just took a pill.

    The daily injections though, those weren't fun. Especially once he started feeling better and had energy to fight us.

  • With middle finger and thumb, gently press them on opposite sides of cats mouth. They will tilt their head back and start licking to move u and in that moment fling the pill with your pointer finger in their mouth and gently hold their head back and up until they swallow it.

    My cat doesn’t fuck with pill pockets or crushed up on their food and this way works great.

  • Last time we gave my gf's cat a deworming tablet it was a team effort. I held him down with his legs in my hands, her dad held his head still and his jaw open and her mum put the tablet in his mouth (it took her four or five tries because the dumb moggy loves to spit them out).

  • If you want to try the stick a pill down their throat method, this site has a video showing you how

    Edit: I usually try the pill wrapped in some cheese first, if he catches on to that then I have to use the above method

  • with my old cat i kinda put her between my legs and gently held her mouth open (though it was harder bc i had to wear gloves with the paladia); but if you look down on them because of the angle it's a lot easier. oh also i remember gently scritching and tickling the under of their chin to get them to open up a little and then dropping it on their tongue/down the throat and then rubbing their neck to get them to swallow. just be gentle obviously

    you can also try compounding to either chewable or liquid (most vets will let you do this and pick it right up at a pharmacy), which helped out a lot. liquid is easier because you can just droplet a bunch onto their gums and let them lick it off and chewables are good because they'll just chew it up on their own, usually.