The Words That Stop ChatGPT in Its Tracks | Why won’t the bot say my name? [by Jonathan L. Zittrain]
The Words That Stop ChatGPT in Its Tracks | Why won’t the bot say my name? [by Jonathan L. Zittrain]
The Words That Stop ChatGPT in Its Tracks | Why won’t the bot say my name? [by Jonathan L. Zittrain]
It's a gift link. You won't hit the paywall during the next couple weeks unless at least one of the following is true:
Why would a reboot matter?
I just tapped the link in Voyager, using regular Firefox with UBO
You’ve disabled javascript
You run with javascript wide open?!?
I just asked ChatGPT to say his name and it did
Quick allowlisting to gaslight the journalist.
Jokes aside, this is more about this topic:
Names may be omitted from ChatGPT either because of privacy requests or to avoid persistent hallucinations by the AI.
And these conversations are important to have during the evolution of AI systems.
it considers names as PII and refuses...?
There's a fairly small list of names it refuses. Almost all names are ok; the author's is not.
Wow, this reminded me that a couple of moths ago I managed to get DuckduckGo instance of Claude's system prompt