I can’t see how they could possibly market a “Switch 2” handheld successfully.
The average parent/consumer isn’t going to understand or care about slightly updated graphics or hardware. It’d have to be something fundamentally different.
I keep hearing this argument when it's about Nintendo, but it never happens with the other companies. What Sony and Microsoft do is upgrade the hardware and change the aesthetic of the console, and that's about it. The reason the Wii U failed is because it felt like an accessory (marketing focused on the pad and the actual console was very similar to the original Wii).
I don't think they can do anything that isn't hybrid now.
I can’t see how they could possibly market a “Game Boy Advance” handheld successfully. It’d have to be something fundamentally different from the Game Boy Colour. 😉
For the average consumer, it’s all about the games. If the next platform has awesome games you can’t play on the current-gen platform, it’ll sell. (Well, barring some disastrous marketing…)
At some point it's going to be true, it's not like Nintendo won't implement a DLSS capable gen2 Switch at some point, with full backwards capability like the 3DS.
The WiiU also had BotW but the Switch ran it slightly better. I ended up playing through it again on Switch. If they would release a Switch2 which could run TotK at 60 FPS or even 40FPS VRR or something I'm sure it would convince a lot of people to upgrade.
But I agree with you that it's probably not what Nintendo will do.
Pretty sure they already said it's not going to happen before a year or so (assuming it's going to happen next year I strongly doubt they'll announce it now. But sure I hope so. Let's see)
Wishful thinking at best. Nintendo has no incentive to rush forward with a new platform yet. Hardware ain’t where the money is, and they’re not struggling to sell software when they have something good.
I'd buy it. Right now the only time I use the Switch portably is on vacation. Something with a smaller form factor, even a Switch Lite OLED, would be great for mobility around town.