there’s more than shown here and it’s more than just these users too 😭
if you find the thread don’t piss in the popcorn (brigade) but also please maybe don’t bring it back here i don’t want 400 notifications of entry level “is almond milk milk” vegan discourse
Ah yeah, I've had an interaction with that anti-vegan user before, and let me tell ya, if you want to speedrun vegan bingo... ideal discussion partner right there.
Ah yes. That one is the one where every interlocutor happens to only eat meat "from their uncles farm with 3 cows on 40 acres of pasture, where they're hand-scrubbed by cherubs while eating figs."
It took me a whole 24 hours to realise that the person having a weird, inconsistent, fact-swerving argument with me (about my assertion that most male cattle are killed young for meat) was the original one from the screenshot!
My last time talking to them, they were arguing that the use of the word "exploitation" in the vegan society's definition of veganism simply meant "use" because that's a thesaurus entry for exploitation. When their argument breaks down they go full on "words are just invented".
When I was a young vegling, I spent some time doing "outreach" on r/DebateAVegan (air quotes because it often felt about as impactful as having a wank), and you'd see those bingo arguments being used earnestly ALL THE TIME.
I actually did occasionally get some fairly novel and thought provoking stuff, from time to time, but mostly it was explaining the basics of biology or econ to people like in OP's example.
While I think factory farming is abhorrent, I find the most compelling reasons to eat plant-based to be the environmental ones. Therefore, I think "I only eat a little bit of meat" is actually a huge positive step someone can take. If your primary concern regarding meat is the cruelty of taking the life of another animal, that's completely valid, but compared to the others, that square just feels out of place.
Edit: Sharing this conversation here in the context of them being banned from /c/vegan so users can understand how completely full of shit this user is (yes, their actual argument they started at /c/vegan is that vegans starting from a position of "humans have rights" is a flawed position to start from and thus invalidates their argument for veganism):
Edit 2: Oh, and they have this thing where they like to reply to a single comment with several comments while claiming it's because they "don't want to engage in a Gish gallop" (paraphrased), meanwhile facilitating a Gish gallop by making an unfollowable branching tree of comments.
Recessa, ↑4 ↓1:
That's completely idiotic, milk exist because there's demand for it.
commie, ↑1 ↓4:
I think you understand that milk is produced as part of the mammalian reproductive cycle. can you describe the causal steps between demanding milk and it's production?
friendlymessage, ↑3 ↓2:
Do you think dairy cattle just randomly spawns on the planetary surface?
commie, ↑1 ↓3:
do you think there's a direct causal link between drinking milk and more being produced?
friendlymessage, ↑3:
Are you fucking with me?
commie, ↑2 ↓3:
no. I'm trying to illustrate that markets are not governed by natural law; they are populated by irrational actors.
friendlymessage, ↑2 ↓1:
Yeah, but they're not as irrational as you are and producing milk costs money. If there's no market, they will stop because they are not fuckin lunatics and they don't have infinite resources
commie, ↑2 ↓2:
milk was farmed before markets existed. there is no reason to believe that will ever stop.
friendlymessage, ↑3 ↓1:
That... must be the dumbest discussion I've had in a while. Please read through your comments tomorrow when you're sober
commie, ↑1 ↓1:
I've been sober all day.
friendlymessage, ↑1:
Okay, whatever you say
commie, ↑1 ↓2:
everything I've said is true. you're objecting to reality, and being pretty shitty about it to me.
friendlymessage, ↑2:
No, you're just making a no sensical argument at all. Milk was farmed from dairy cattle because it was consumed by humans. It's simple supply and demand. There is no rational argument at all that if mankind stopped consuming milk, it would still be farmed. Why would any farmer go through the effort to upkeep cows and keep them impregnanted to make them produce milk if they cannot trade it or won't consume it? Yes, humans have free will but they won't produce stuff with very high effort just for fun. Except maybe very sick minds that just enjoy animal cruelty. And you won't elaborate what your actual point is anyway.
Also, not that it matters, but you're arguing that dairy farming existed before the market is simply wrong. There has been trade between human civilizations long before we started domesticating animals.
There's a common misunderstanding among a lot of .ml folks that markets are a capitalist thing and if you just don't call them that then they don't exist.
Everyone knows that history starts at the industrial revolution and no one had went "hey I'll give you two goats if you give me some salt" before that.
Just went back to that thread. The discussion continued for 4 more hours after I stopped responding, and no, it did not go anywhere. That was definitely worth everyone's time
this is 1/100th of the insanity that happened on the reddit sub r/milk
I'm pretty sure there was a riot because the mods said almond milk was allowed or something like that
No you don’t; that’s not possible. You don’t actually know what you like. How could your brain evaluate its own desires? And if you think you do, you’re wrong.
It looks like there are a few ISPs, countries, and general blacklists that block them. Explains why my firewall and DNS filters are catching it. Oh well. I can look more into fixing it later if it really becomes an issue.
It also seems to just generally be slow sometimes. This time it loaded instantly but often it takes a couple of tries and a good amount of patience lol
It took me way too long to admit that the poster was talking about production as in "is being produced by nature without human interference" and not "humans produce it because humans want it"
Naw, they think that a reduction in demand would not reduce supply. As to why anyone would keep making production levels of milk to rot away with no buyers? They need to see it to believe it.
How do you actually see the image? I just get "glide failed to grab image". I tried to open the link directly and get connection error too. Not the first time I have experienced this on posts, but trying to figure out if the image was taken down or if the image is actually blocked.
Was gonna make a blizzard joke here, but this person is so intellectual that they wouldn't get the low-grade humor, or how milk production before markets only works if everyone works a single farm, and cannot work if the population is scaled up.