Last week, I tried to register for a service and was really surprised by a password limit of 16 characters. Why on earth yould you impose such strict limits? Never heard of correct horse battery staple?
Eons ago, I got an account for using a software on an IBM mainframe. Keep in mind that the machine used masks with fixed-width text fields on the terminal (TN3270, IIRC), even for the login mask. Being security cautious, the first thing I did after login was to change my password. The "change password" mask allowed for passwords of up to 12 characters, which I used freely. I logged out, got back to the login mask - which only allowed for an eight character password...
A major US bank that I used to use has case insensitive passwords, found that out one day when I noticed caps lock was on after logging in with no trouble
Makes you wonder if they store the password in plain text, or convert to lower key during your first input so it's at least hashed. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not.
This is my biggest pet peeve. Password policies are largely mired in inaccurate conventional wisdom, even though we have good guidance docs from NIST on this.
Frustrating poor policy configs aside, this max length is a huge red flag, basically they are admitting that they store your password in plan text and aren’t hashing like they should be.
If a company tells you your password has a maximum length, they are untrustable with anything important.
If a company tells you your password has a maximumn length, they are untrustable with anything important.
I would add if they require a short "maximum length." There's no reason to allow someone to use the entirety of Moby Dick as their password, so a reasonable limit can be set. That's not 16 characters, but you probably don't need to accept more than 1024 anyway.
It being open source helps because we can confirm it’s not being mishandled, but it’s generally arbitrary to enforce password max lengths beyond avoiding malicious bandwidth or compute usage in extreme cases.
"If a company tells you your password has a maximum length..."
Uhhh no. Not at all. What so ever. Period. Many have a limit for technical reasons because hashing passwords expands their character count greatly. Many websites store their passwords in specific database columns that themselves have a limit that the hashing algorithm quickly expands passwords out to.
If you plan your DB schema with a column limit in mind for fast processing, some limits produce effectively shorter password limits than you might expect. EVERYONE has column limits at least to prevent attacks via huge passwords, so a limit on a password can be a good sign they're doing things correctly and aren't going to be DDOS'd via login calls that can easily crush CPUs of nonspecialized servers.
Just in case someone runs across this and doesn't notice the downvotes, the parent post is full of inaccuracies and bad assumptions. Don't base anything on it.
It doesn't matter the input size, it hashes down to the same length. It does increase the CPU time, but not the storage space. If the hashing is done on the client side (pre-transmission), then the server has no extra cost.
For example, the hash of a Linux ISO isn't 10 pages long. If you SHA-256 something, it always results in 256 bits of output.
On the other hand, base 64-ing something does get longer as the input grows.