Content warning Weihnachtsbäckerei, German speakers beware
I didn't even check the video to see if it's a decent version but I cannot risk having this monster be stuck in my ear for the next 5 months. Even thinking about it is going to haunt me for a week.
I also just learnt that everybody and their grandma has done versions. Good lord.
The Støvle Dance is from an old Danish Christmas show. My daughter just got super into it. it is a mix of Danish and English.
Det jul det cool is an even older rap Christmas song about the commercialization of Christmas. They didn't expect it to get any kind of traction so they just sampled some music without caring about the rights. It has been included in all Danish Christmas music collections since the 80ies. They don't collect royalties, the band they sampled from do.
In Greece, this song by Vandi is called "Christmas" and it is the equivalent of Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You"(ie overplayed). It is a bit kitsch but the middle part is kinda catchy.
Essentially the Christmas story from the perspective of a donkey that's confused and infuriated, because there's a baby in the crib. We used to sing this in school every Christmas season