“OpenAI wants to change its status while retaining all of the benefits that enabled it to reach the point it has today,” Meta argues.
Meta is asking California Attorney General Rob Bonta to block OpenAI’s planned transition from a non-profit to for-profit entity.
In a letter sent to Bonta’s office this week, Meta says that OpenAI “should not be allowed to flout the law by taking and reappropriating assets it built as a charity and using them for potentially enormous private gains.”
The letter, which was first reported on by The Wall Street Journal and you can read in full below, goes so far as to say that Meta believes Elon Musk is “qualified and well positioned to represent the interests of Californians in this matter.” Meta supporting Musk’s fight against OpenAI is notable given that Musk and Mark Zuckerberg were talking about literally fighting in a cage match just last year.
Yeah I mean zuck and musk don’t want it because it removes an extra hoop that OpenAI has to jump through to compete, but all said and done fuck all three of them for taking another leap in human achievement and making it a “profit for investors at any cost.” And fuck OpenAI especially for pretending that wasn’t the case all along
And fuck OpenAI especially for pretending that wasn’t the case all along
I'm not sure they were ever pretending. I saw another Lemmy post about the Musk-OpenAI email exchanges from 8 years ago.
They seemed very open that the long term plan was to become a for profit company. They said they weren't ready yet and rejected Elon's demand to make him majority owner and merge with Tesla.
And they make a valid point. Imagine if all startups started as non profit, raised their assets with tax reduction, and then decided to go for profit when it suited them? That’s tax evasion.
90% of Facebook content is AI generated content now. I cant even see what my friends are doing anymore. Makes me want to just delete it. But, I do occasionally see stuff from family and friends, which is the only reason I keep it. Some people I only stay in touch with through Facebook. But seriously, fuck that company.
Here's a thought. Leave Facebook and spend more time with family and friends wether it be in person, on the phone or over text. You'll feel better for doing it and your family will be happy to hear from you. Deleted mine close to 10 years ago and have never had a desire to go back.
I have yet to receive a single chat message that was AI generated. Being able to connect to old college buddies that I otherwise would loose contact with is literally the only use case for Facebook
I've remembered Babylon 5 season 4 today. Specifically the part where the "good" Vorlons and the "bad" Shadows started erasing the shit out of worlds inhabited by lesser races who made the wrong choice of having traces of the opposing side.
Point being, you are being sarcastic about Republicans and rightfully so, but Clinton administration is the one that introduced mass surveillance in the USA, and now in Syria CNN praises HTS (Sunni jihadis) and Fox News highlight SDF (secular socialists). Though from what I've read, apparently they really honestly talk to each other, which is a surprising kind of coexistence, HTS leader's words I took with scepticism, but SDF leaders too say they have no problem with HTS. HTS is a mix of ex-al-Qaeda and ex-ISIS, that's how strange this is.
OK, politics again.
On the subject - I think turning a non-profit into for-profit while not letting go of datasets and such, legally allowed to be assembled in the context of it being non-profit, is kinda theft. So Facebook is right here. Circumstantially of course.
Hadn't considered the ethics of transferring data acquired as a non-profit. It's an interesting moral question - although I doubt this is Meta's motivation (which is simply to tamp down competition).
for profit would imply they can grow even faster due to having funds to expand its service. You would be against it if you plan on having your own competing AI service(which meta clearly does)
Meta has also released many top tier model to the open source community. To say "meta only oppose openai cuz they wanna create a service of their own" is quite frankely uninformed.
Meta is the reason so many researchers are able to work and make AI accessible to the everyday people. Without llama models, so much of research would not have been possible cuz openai never release their stuff under the guise of "safety".
Openai wants to monopolize and charge us whatever they want. And this going for-profit was part of their plan from the beginning. If only meta had not released their top tier models for absolutely free, openai would have had complete monopoly.
Also saying for profit structure would allow them to have more fund is like saying having a gun will allow a robber to have more funds.
The funds will come from consumers, for profit would mean they will have an easier time ripping off the people without too much scrutiny
They're all racing to build super intelligent AI. The first one to get there could essentially become God. So zelon and mark are desperately trying to buy time.