I don't really get the floating bar myself. Doesn't it take up more space and make it so you can't slam the mouse to the bottom of the screen to click things on it?
In KDE, YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN slam the mouse and click on below the bar and it still work the way you need. Same goes to close window button on fullscreen. You can slam mouse into top right corner. I can't live without theese simple features.
Also you defenitrly need to try floating on kde. When there is some window going to touch the panel, it retracts and stick to the side without floating(same behaviour on window maximize). So you don't waste any space by turning on floating. Also the smooth animation is cool.
I had tried about a dozen other distros and all of them had something I didn’t really like. I finally landed on OpenSuse just because it feels like ours made to get work done. No package manager drama or power trips from devs.
It just comes across as the guy on the project that just does all the work for everyone else because they’re too distracted.
Still haven’t come across nearly anything that I can’t accomplish through the Yast GUI. I wish I had come across it sooner, honestly.
Yeah, openSUSE rebranded their flavours recently. Their main logo is still Geeko, though.
If you've seen my previous openSUSE screenshots, though, I used to run neofetch with the --ascii_distro suse argument, as the old Tumbleweed logo was too wide and used to push most of the info off the screen. Since the rebrand, I haven't had that problem.