... It’s because, as Palestinian activists and scholars Haneen Maikey and Lana Tatour have pointed out, a common pattern in progressive Israeli spaces is that Palestinians can provide labor, translation, lived experience and trauma to feed the analysis of Israeli Jews, but cannot be equal partners who get to do the analysis side by side and set the agenda together.
TIL isrealis are more like white Americans than I realized
Many of them literally are white Americans. Bibi was raised in the US as much as in Israel, and Ashkenazi Jews are genetically more European than anything else.
Officials said that the more than 600,000 Americans living in Israel and Lebanon are of particular concern, but they stressed that an operation of such magnitude is a worst-case scenario
We discuss the cynical use of "human rights" to advance US interests […]
The conceit that the U.S. has been a dedicated and earnest promoter of “freedom”, “democracy,” and “human rights” throughout the world — even if, at times, a “flawed” one — is a defining narrative, largely taken for granted by major media. But how accurate is this assumption? What do we mean when we talk about human rights? What abuses are highlighted and which aren’t? Where do labor rights fit into the broader discussion of human rights?
Human rights come from Christianity. Rights in general is a Western obsession. It is a religion which most Westerners believe everything is structured in, but not the reality. When you think of it this way, it is a thing that can be used cynically to feign morality. As such, don't rely on the unreliable. Consider the powers that be. Power shapes the world. You are either ruled by it, or you are fighting it.