Microsoft’s Electricity Use Has Doubled Between 2020–2023
Microsoft’s Electricity Use Has Doubled Between 2020–2023
Microsoft’s Electricity Use Has Doubled Between 2020–2023
Better add more green leaf symbols and sustainability pledges to their products to even it out.
Yeah they are literally paying to reopen three mile island to power their AI training
Honestly nuclear isn't a bad deal for that. Clean, sustainable, safe, compared to non-renewables.
Though old ass reactors seem sus.
Everything will be fine if they don't decide to test the reactors with inexperienced people.
No worries US tax payer will fund electrical generation facilities for these parasites
Take note, they pay lower rate than you to run their AI trash lol
They pay less because of bulk energy pricing. It's cheaper to serve a lot of electricity to one customer than the same amount to a lot of customers. It's the same reason things at Costco are cheaper per unit vs your local grocery store.
So no, taxpayers aren't funding it, Microsoft is funding it through their electricity bill.
Nice Mental gymnastics dear, but these jedi tricks don't work on plebs anymore.
Then why did three mile island operator is getting federal loans...
If micro-shit don't buy enough, taxpayer forgives the loan
Clown capitalism lol
And y'all laep it and come for seconds.
Get a glue
That's not a bad thing. The question is: has their carbon footprint changed?
This electricity usage jump is accompanied by a 42% increase in total carbon emissions
That should be the headline
Capital is literally going to destroy the planet so a few dickheads can have yachts.
We normal people need to recycle harder to save the planet and cut back on greenhouse emissions from power production so corporations can continue to consume with impunity.
Consider that the cost of energy is going to be the limiting factor on AI. When the VC dries up, who is going to pay the light bill?
Go check the mirror pedon
Has to look it up. 1m² of soil.
and windows got worse cos microsoft only knows how to suck ass. I wonder if they have a new contraption or more space in seattle for all the ass they are sucking.