Oh egads! That is totally the most terrifying news to come out of South Korea at that moment! (FYI this mf is the Executive Director of the Interparliamentary Alliance on China)
fascist incel tries to do a fascist coup against his own party: hmm hmm
politican from party that holds the majority of seats in the parliament wanting to normalize relations with next door neighbor: EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION
"One China" policy is literally the US' stance for like 50 years
It is comical how westerners learn the stance of their own government and act horrified. Oh no... the horrors of China... owning a small island right off its shore. Nooo
But maybe, we can hope, this guy isn't just fear mongering out of his ass and there is actually some reorienting going on in South Korea behind the scenes. I doubt the US puppets would just suddenly try to enact martial law without a good reason.