Martial law is traditional South Korea governance.
The line dividing North and South Korea was created by US as it took it over from Japan after ww2, with puppet corrupt government installed.
The Korean war was instigated by US after national elections had North Korean as victor who threatened to unify and kick US out. Corrupt autocracy prevailed until 1980, and then the “democracy” that has followed since is/was an oligarchy of historically pro-Japanese family dynasty industrial champions.
Yet another sham the US calls a “democratic ally” for hegemonic legtimacy.
Pinochet/Chung-hee hours. The second coming of Trump marks the end of the fig leaf of neoliberal decorum.
Edit to add: Actually it was already dead before that, thanks to the imperial core’s support of the Gaza genocide. The only people left who believe in the liberal “rules-based” international order’s legitimacy are Western liberals who keep themselves sealed in the MB/FC-approved media bubble[1].
The genocide in Gaza was just the beginning of the “free world” going masks off. As someone who once ignorantly believed the myths around the “free world” and liberalism I will not mourn. Nothing of value is lost.