Does an international porn site like Pornhub take accents into account with their algorithm? Does an Australian watching Pornhub porn tend to get more porn with Australian accents than an American?
IDNWFP (I do not work for Pornhub) but usually such algorithms are not that explicit. They don't create rules and then come up with an algorithm to match these rules. They throw in a lot of data, do some statistics and then end up with a black box that makes the numbers go brrrrrr.
So the answer is likely that Australians will get more porn with Australian accents if that is something a group the algorithm put them into likes.
Probably, because it would put you in a group with other Australians and I'm sure they take any data they can get that can be used for localisation into account since preferences are influenced by location. But being in that group would only give you more Australian accents if that is something the data shows the group is into.
Or maybe they also take the upload location of the video into account.
I think it goes by IP address of both the viewer and the uploader.
Australians are more likely to upload videos with Australian accents, and those are more likely to be shown to people in Australia. And they watch them, so viewership increases within the Australian market, so the algorithm continues down that line.
I dunno if PornHub does it, but YouTube certainly does. It will recommend me videos that are exactly the same content, have exactly the same kind of thumbnail, hosted by people that look and sound exactly the same to the point where I've gotten half way into a video thinking it was one person, only to find it was a totally different creator when they mention their name.
With a VPN, switching countries will generally switch content and languages on websites to show what a local would get. This is pretty common online and includes porn sites and plenty will give you a language or location setting you can just change whenever. You are getting local girls but on a country scale by IP address(and content targeted to your region from outside), you may even get content by city if its big enough. I would assume the tagging/category systems that has everything from location and ethnicity to holes featured would have the most impact on what IP location sees what content + title of the video if that is intelligible enough to be relevant. For specifics, there is a realistic chance no one person at pornhub knows the algo.
If you mean though text, You may get localized results using regional slang if it is used in the title but I don't think they bother to transcribe porn since it's mostly moans and meat sounds. Hell, your lucky to get subtitles.
My understanding is that the American accent tends to be popular in all kinds of media overseas. This is by no means an expression of American dominion or superiority. However, I understand that for example in Sweden it’s popular to use American phrases during sex.
With that said, I expect the IP address from which your connection originates affects the videos presented to you based on your region.
You're only going to have Australian accents in porn made in Australia or with Australian actors.
I was under the impression much of the modern (Western facing) industry produced on the American West Coast and Eastern Europe where young, pretty people come cheap.
I don't think there's enough Australian talent porn being produced (at professional grade anyway) to justify its own category.
In my experience, changing location changes results. The site will still have an American flair to it, but it had a different group of results when I traveled. I confirmed it later with a VPN. You would think some specific searches would always give the same results but, unfortunately, this is one of the sites that chooses to show related content (to create an illusion of overwhelmingly vast content while snowballing highly-rated content) instead of a more functional search for your exact request. I will also note that language didn't have much to do with it. I'm guessing tags are translated so using a foreign word still brings you to the same category. Testing a mix of my language, their language, and adding nationalities to the search did not affect results nearly as much as being in the country (or setting my VPN there).
So while I don't think it's smart enough to look for an accent, I do expect the content to have more with the accent from local creators delivered in searches by way of regional preference over time.
That makes sense. It would also obviously depend on how much porn there is that exists with people who have that accent (or language). The ratio of Australian-made porn to American-made porn might be like comparing a peanut to an elephant. I admit I can't really remember encountering much Australian-accent porn here in the U.S.
What a weird way to phrase a question. If you're accessing Pornhub from Australia, it will probably result in a feed more algorithmically suited to Australians, and if this feeds happens to feature Australians, they'll have the Australian accent.
Accents are not a factor, but the location of the upload, tags, and title are, which indirectly makes accent a factor. Unless we're talking about kinks, PH won't recommend videos based you your accent alone.
It's like YouTube. It gives you what's popular in your IP range, which usually correspond with your country.
Once you've started watching (unless your browser is set up to paranoid mode), it gives you more of the stuff you searched for and watched.