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  • here are a few ideas I had:

    • invest / subsidized green tech
    • lobby to stop oil and gas subsidies
    • lobby to stop meat subsidies
    • lobby for stricter environmental taxes and regulations.
    • subsidize repair services so that it's cheaper for people to fix things instead of buying new
    • offer bad politicians a lot of money to resign
    • buy companies that provide essential services (water gas net) and make them non profits
    • do the same to things like Uber Facebook Google, and make ads optional
    • make public transit free
    • make affordable healthcare
    • set up a charity with whatever's left. withdraw 4% a year and split evenly it between to anyone who asks for it
  • Is it new money or money that already existed? If it already existed, burn it.

  • I think about this all the time and I still have no idea.

    A good chunk of that money would end up going to experts to advise me how best to use it since I would want to maximize what good I could bring... 😩

  • Free public transit and then a transition of car leasing businesses into public sector too so owning a car would be unnecessary and needed changes like switching to e-cars and building infrastructure goes smooth and according to general city planning. Regular commutes make people unequal in that it costs some people hours of life and a wad of cash to compete, and it's possible to undo the latter and ease the first. It doesn't sound like a non-issue if we consider districts sometimes getting inhabited by people sharing culture, religion etc, so having a shitty or expensive transport connection to that exact area basically means they have less opportunity to work\study\shop\whatever in the city center. 300 billions is what it'd likely cost to transit a couple of russian states to public transportation miracle as an experiment, this includes buyout of a leaser, renewing public fleet of vehicles, upping wages in that sphere so it becomes a place to compete for, compensating the lack of revenue (like it has some lol) and building a charging infrastructure with a sane distance between charging posts. Ah, and they buyout of private cars into that leasing to reduce the amount of them.

    One point to consider though is that this dream is kinda unneeded in the current climate because gvnmt tracking all your car rides is exactly what you wouldn't like. Right now speedcams is a less optimal way they track everyone, and giving them an actual GPS data would trivialize surveiliance.

  • First off, whilst it might seem selfish, I'd get my personal shit fixed up, would take at most 50k and if I bought some apartment house to own as well, maybe a few hundred k on top.

    Okay now I'm settled and healthy. Start making a media company. Hire some great talent. Hire some video game designers, politicians. Essentially start a very weird sort of studio.

    Then a sort of a think-thank, a little bit. Focusing on what would be the most efficient ways of approaching systemic change. (I've tons of ideas already for those meets, notebooks full. Not too organised, I'm unafraid, and it's hard to start reasoning them here due to the char limit of 10k).

    Start a foundation, a league of some sorts. What I mean by that is have some sort of guiding ideology, a very rough and not too ideologically narrow, but also definitely what would be called leftist in traditional terms.

    Then te work starts. Charity projects where they're the most efficient, so they'll have the largest effect. What that means will take a few comments to argue I'd wager.

    Start promoting cooperation and whatnot. Fund streamers who join the league, so that for instance some streamers traveling in a poor country would have the ability to access the funds of the foundation to for instance help build some infra for a tiny village which will take away 50% of their travel time or work load or something, giving that community a better chance to grow.

    So all these hundreds if not thousands of streamers going around the world, and if bigger infra projects are needed, the foundation can help with those as well. Like building some huge solar power/water distillation plants.

    Just building from the ground up.

    But that wouldn't help jack shit with political issues we currently have. That requires another plan I have. Except if the league was also on point with what's going on in local politics said places and could promote change with the amount of influence it had, when directed to smaller political entities it might be enough to sort of clean them od corrupt people as well if there is a democratic process of some sort at least.

    Like using the foundations entire population to focus on some minor local election should overwhelm it. Do that enough and there's a substantial effect. Maybe

  • Raise my own private army

    take over governments, be a benevolent dictator who forces people to lean that dictatorships are bad, that forces everyone to go to school (free education) and get a good minimum amount of basic knowledge

    put a strictly controlled capitalist system in place that can make lots of money that will go to a socialist system that makes sure everyone can be happy.

    force free healthcare (mental, dental, eye, all of it), free basic housing, decriminalize all drug, but school everyone in responsible recreational drug use and setup treatment centers for those that fall off the wagon.

    Restrict free speech to the point where it makes sense. Everyone can talk whatever they want but if you have even a small following you better stop talking non scientific non democratic bullshit or I'll jail your ass

    Put in a boat load of restrictions in politics. All money must be visible, period. Politicians cannot own companies, they ca not own shares. Politicians will not be allowed to make decisions that step into things that are good for them personally. Remove political parties, all politicians should be independent, no more party politics. Voting would be per post. All politicians can register themselves for a post, show why they could do it best, and then we vote for the posts. Voting would be a Nation holiday and voting would be obligatory for at least 50% of all available posts

    Get rid of churches and imaginary bullshit. Humanity has entered the era where it needs to grow up and stop believing in fairytales. If this means that we won't get good horror movies anymore then I can veryuch live with that.

    On capitalism: put a hard limit on howuch someone can own and owe. Debts would be limited to just a few thousand dollars per person. You can't ownore than 10 million, anything beyond that will go to 100% taxes automatically. This will vaporize the gap between rich and poor.

    Nonmoree private planes, mega yachts, etc. if you want to have a house & boat, as long as it's under 10 million, go nuts!

    Free minimum housing, make basic food items free, education free, healthcare free.

    Switch to a 4/3 work week

    Companies will he taken out of politics, they are not a person, they don't have free speech, they won't have speech. Company sizes will be limited to 5000-10000 employees, that's it. Beyond that, it will be split up automatically. Companies will have to work together on bigger and mega projects

    Justice systems would be reformed, now focussing on keeping the innocent out, instead of the guilty in. Focus would be 95% on rehabilitation, education, self improvement, the rest on the punishment part.

    Break up and where possible, remove banks, and make them as small as possible

    Put extreme restrictions in what can be speculated on, and invested in. You can't buy debts, you can't bet on companies failing, you can just invest to try and help a company a little and get a bit of a reward for that.

    Ban all discrimination under heavy penalty. Live and let live.

    Guns and weapons would be available under very heavy restrictions for sports, hobby, etc.

    Marketing would be severely restricted. Companies can't lie anymore, period. Commercials would be severely restricted. Nothing towards or for kids, products can just look what they are.

    On the environment: a huge push will be made to transform car dependent cities to human dependent cities. Roads will be changed to parks. Cars will be allowed but cities will be humans first and it'll be easier to get around with public transportation or bike or walking than by car. This will immensely change everything. Humans will be healthier, everything will be quieter and more beautiful. Architecture will change as giant depressing car parkings will change into beautiful parks. People still can have a car if they need to but most won't want to (see the Netherlands for the past 4 decades, and France where they recently started this too)

    Once it's all rolling smoothly, I will then step down, and start the elections, and I'll move on to the next country to invade and take over to deploy my evil plans. Heeeeehehehehheheeh.