Dark Souls is kind of a lonely game, I wonder if they'll recruit some ally npc characters like the Solaire, Siegmeyer and that funny little guy named Patches. Or will they go the Samurai Jack style and revel in the loneliness of the journey.
That's what I was thinking. With these sorts of announcements, it's normally just 'Well. It'll be what it'll be', but with how great Castlevania was done, there's actually a decent chance this will be solid
How are they going to structure this? Castlevania felt easier since there was so little story baked-in. But Miyazaki specifically made Dark Souls games hard to parse because he was trying to recreate the effect of reading english fantasy novels when he wasn't fully fluent in english.
The story in Fromsoft games are specifically sparse, spread out and require interpretation to grasp more than the bare surface. Most of the NPCs that give you meaningful dialogue are somewhat hidden. If they play is straight like a normal show, it might not feel like Dark Souls. If they make it obtuse, it'll be hard for viewers to parse in a 6-12 hour series compared to the dozens of hours players get to think on it.
They could make it like a prequel to one of the games so there's a slightly more concrete story. Using non linear storytelling could make it feel confusing but that might be annoying. Season 1 of The Witcher I didn't full understand until my second viewing.
That would be cool. There's a vast amount of time between when the Lords rose up and defeated the dragons and the decline we see in DS1. We don't even see the rise of the Dark Sign and start of undead plague, but the end of it when the world has mostly dealt with it and is slowly falling apart. The rise of the Dark Sign, fall of Artorias in Oolacile could all be really cool.
Their track record isn't that bad, is it? Castlevania and Edgerunners were pretty good adaptations. Dragon Age was all right. And Arcane was amazing, though Netflix wasn't involved in that one early on. So there's reason to be at least cautiously optimistic, IMO.
They should pause when showing item description and after the end credits, they should link to youtubers explaining what happened actually in the anime.
I want a dark souls anime in an older style animation (think berserk) and directed by Lynch. I want to walk out of every episode feeling confused, exhausted, and vaguely depressed.
Of the original Dark Souls? Vaati’s series is very illuminating but the story itself is mostly told through the item descriptions and NPC interactions.
This summary on the wiki covers the overarching story!
After 30 minutes, you will be given a trivia test. You have to tick the right box with your remote. If you fail, you get a "You died" screen and have to watch the episode again until you succeed and can watch the next episode. There are no help pages on the internet. If you google for help, all you get is "GIT GUD! People who ask for a story mode are shouted at.