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We humans have no natural predator you might say but that is not true: there is one.

We humans have no natural predator you might say but that is not true: there is one.

It kills millions of humans every year; about one every 30 seconds.

It's a major contributor to a global conspiracy to destroy as much of the environment that humans require to survive as possible; to kill even more humans at an accelerating pace and make the survivors miserable.

Even without its co-conspirators it's capable of turning entire bustling cities into places unfit for humans.
Humans now plan their cities specifically with this predator in mind; building some defences but with ultimately little success at curbing its free roam.

Worst yet: It has successfully fooled humans into thinking they are dependent on it when in fact the opposite is the case.

It's a predator that we have created ourselves:

The car.

#urbanity #urbanism #Verkehrswende #AutoDiktatur #Autokorrektur #climatechange #klimakrise #fuckcars @fuckcars