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Why is it in popular imagining, that ghosts are {MOSTLY} depicted as miserable lonely sad folks that are stuck to the places they've died in?

Can't they discover the world beyond? Weren't they humans; don't they have the mind to move on and focus on something else, since trauma and grief will run its course, sooner or later, and not just haunt the living?

If I were a ghost, I'd be tired of acting like one... even if I was murdered or otherwise died untimely

With the exception of Casper the Ghost, I don't think I've seen the alternative take on it

This presupposes ghosts do exist, though I believe ye skeptics would tell me no, which, alright, you win the argument

  • In anglo-Christian culture ghosts were explained away as souls in purgatory, and this led to a Catholic/Protestant split wrt whether they existed or not, because Prots denied the existence of purgatory. They are still religiously problematic really — think about how often the 'ghosts' in American media turn out to be demons in order to keep things in line with scripture.

    I personally believe there's something much more terrifying implied in the English folk-tradition though: a spirit bound to the last physical vestiges of their time on earth, going through the motions as what little is left of their mind after the trauma of death unravels completely. They're dead — it's over. They can still do the things they did in life, but it doesn't mean anything anymore.

    Obviously there are very powerful resonances here for anyone who has witnessed a person sicken and die.

  • Because they are old. Ghosts are just the anthropomorphic manifestation of people's fear of growing old. Religious framings are just an add on.

    Trauma and grief can't run their course if your mind is so senile and your short term memory so feeble, that you're basically forced to live in the past. Forever repeating old arguments, reliving past trauma and never overcoming old fears. With your mind so set in it's tracks, that you can't even imagine leaving the place where you lived all your live — your "old haunt" so to speak. How could you live in the present, if you can't even recognize your own children half of the time? But the long term memory often still works. Ghosts are real and if you're lucky enough to live that long you might well become one. Of course aging isn't always like this, it can be graceful and dignified but when it isn't, that's what people are afraid of.

    People are scared, when they see older relatives acting stranger every day, especially in times before any way to diagnose Alzheimer's and other forms of neural degradation. They might seem like they are not quite here anymore, like the person they were had long since died and yet, something lingers. Ghost stories are a socially acceptable way to express those fears.

    Just observe the effects ghosts have on their victims: first, they are reminded of their own mortality. Then their hair suddenly turns white or gray or falls out, they lose sleep, wake up tired or grow old over night. They might lose their mind or die themselves. That's all just normal aging.

    Here is a handy key to select monsters and their meaning:

    • ghosts 👻: aging, death, old people
    • vampires(folk believe): plague, infection
    • vampires(literature): landlords, feudalism
    • zombies(modern): alienation, capitalism
    • witches: women who stand up to patriarchy
    • Frankenstein's monster: the proletariat gaining class consciousness (no seriously)

    I recommend the podcast "the horror vanguard" for details.

  • Popular beliefs influences people's beliefs, which reinforces popular beliefs. Step back even farther from the question for a moment and ask, "why do you think of ghosts as dead human spirits at all?" That a "ghost" is some sort of dead human spirit is a concept that has been built into Western society for a long time. It is something we just accept in story telling and mythological belief systems because it's been in them so long and is told to us via authoritative figures in our lives from an early age. To tell a story where a ghost is anything other than a dead human spirit or the echo of a dead human, makes people call bullshit on the story, because the story has broken a long standing societal expectation. Sure, some stories can get away with it, and more so in the modern age where we are starting to appreciate stories which subvert long standing expectations. But, we still tend to fall back on old tropes and devices which we can expect readers to understand, without having to spend too much time on building a world. It's far easier to save the term "ghost" for something much like a dead human spirit and just create a new term when trying to describe something else.