I'm currently using firefox and thinking of switching, would love some more features and a better aesthetic, but I'm interested in what others are using!
I'm on "I still don't care about cookies". As opposed to Consent-o-matic, it doesn't attempt to opt-out, which makes it more reliable, but you want to use it together with Cookie AutoDelete.
Firefox, especialy because of extensions like ublock, and sponsor block. But also because of features like total cookie protection. Where cross site 3rdparty cookies are sandboxed for each site.
Firefox. Perfect? No. But we gotta fight the Chrome monopoly. And most (all, I'm pretty sure) other browsers for Android are Chromium based. Using one of those still hands Google control of the web.
Since you have SponsorBlock installed, I assume you use it to watch YouTube videos? Why don't you just use LibreTube or Tubular (NewPipe fork with built-in SponsorBlock and Return YouTube Dislike)?
Firefox with a handful of extensions for day to day use
I keep Brave with custom configuration ready for when extra privacy is needed. Firefox based browsers on Android are currently missing site isolation so that's what privacy guides recommends for the time being.
It might be cool to see something like Zen on Android, but I'm not sure what changes I'd like to see aesthetics / features wise. Brave looks fancier, but I find it annoying to use for a number of reasons. Off the top of my head
Firefox for the add-ons, sync, and other features, but I have set Firefox Focus as the default that most apps open pages in. From there I can open pages in regular Firefox if I need or want to. Firefox Focus acts as a sort of default private browsing mode.
Works pretty well with always on desktop mode (scaling) and has a nice UI. I also occasionally use the built-in VPN to bypass my DNS blocking quickly.
Vivaldi works so good on my phone it's insane. Outlook, Teams, Workday, and so many other work apps I no longer need to have because Vivaldi just runs them so smooth.
I have to keep using Firefox for the mobile add-ons and because my account is synced with my desktop browser. I'm not willing to switch unless a better desktop/mobile pair comes along.
Yes! I use Kiwi daily, as well as Firefox. Some things work better in one, some the other. It's a shame it seems to be abandoned (no updates since April).
i dont know if it's just me but since i updated firefox in february this year, if i close firefox with a tabs open, the tabs are gone too. i cant find the settings on it but in iceraven
I know a lot of the current issues are about ideology and privacy. Mozilla seemingly pivoting away from fighting for privacy and into AI, supposedly most recently including integration with remote AI, including Google's, while not implementing the top feature requests... I'm personally sticking with Firefox for now, but it does make me wary.
Loved it & used it for such a long time because at the time it was the only android browser with extension capability ...but it's on an outdated version of Chromium & development seems to have ceased. Switched to Firefox which is great, though I still miss "open new tab in group"