My fellow crewmen, yt-dlp is great but you don't need it if you have vlc installed on your pc, you could just open Convert / Save function (Ctrl + R for shortcut), click the "Network" tab", paste the hls (m3u8) or dash (mpd) link and save it as you normally would.
Also, some m3u8's are just files containing redirects to other m3u8's in various resolutions. You might want to extract the one you need and download that.
You are the only person legend who, with this command, has allowed me to download a video from a shitty website that "breaks" the movies/series into small pieces. THANK YOU
This doesn't have to do with the topic at hand, but it's just so cool being able to directly reference sites and ways to download on Lemmy, rather than dancing around the topic on Reddit.
It changed after they banned r/megalinks. I remember the day. The piracy sub purged content around that time. Then 2-3 years later the sports streaming subs went down.
I have VideoDownloadHelper addon for Firefox, and most of the time it works. There are some exceptions of course, where it cannot download the video. But I love finding out new ways to do it, in case the old ways fail one day. Good post, man!
That's not how it works. They can choose to fall back to unprotected videos, sure. But key players support DRM already, so why care about the rest? Netflix serves you 4K video only if your browser supports DRM. Heck, even YouTube requires DRM to watch movies.
Thank you for this awesome information! I agree with the statement about sharing the power and that information should be free (as in speech) for all. Let's make internet a better place!
@The person who said one can use VLC to download m3u8 links, I tried this multiple times already, but sadly the resulting files were never complete. Either the video was cut off or the audio missing or the like. I used VLC on Windows.
They have a lot of good tools and guides for getting setup to pull drm encrypted streams. You’ll need access to an android device that has root to be able to pull drm keys from. It took me a bit to figure out how to get it setup. They had to remove the all in one setup page so the software is outdated but I followed this ( and just searched for the latest versions of the software they reference and got it working to download off disney+ and wowpresentsplus