According to the DSM-5, the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria include a marked incongruence between one's experienced or expressed gender and their assigned sex, lasting for at least six months, manifested by at least two of the following: a strong desire to be rid of one's primary and secondary sex characteristics, a strong desire for the primary and secondary sex characteristics of the other gender, a strong desire to be of the other gender, a strong desire to be treated as the other gender, and a strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender.
Key points about gender dysphoria diagnosis:
Significant incongruence: There must be a noticeable difference between the individual's experienced gender and their assigned sex.
Duration: Symptoms must be present for at least six months.
Multiple criteria needed: A diagnosis requires experiencing at least two of the listed criteria.
Distress or impairment: The incongruence must cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning.
This website also lists some different kinds of dysphoria that you can have: You don't need to fit the 'perfect' stereotypical trans picture to be trans.
More importantly, it gatekeeps gender affirming care to people that are fucked up enough by it. Some of us are significantly hindered by it, but many others can still work and function in life without transitioning.
My dysphoria is bad enough to make life as a man impossible, but I didn't even know that was the case until I came out. I also don't think it's fair to gatekeep care from people who can function without transitioning. Being a good worker bee shouldn't be the goal; that bar is too low.
They were able to diagnose me with gender dysphoria but they wouldn't give me treatment officially unless I pretended to be a woman for them, they probably really thought it would be funny for someone who looks just like a man to wear a dress and lipstick with face stubble. Right? So funny? Fuckin chasers. (Yes I'm calling my old doctor and my therapist chasers because they wanted me to dress like a woman without looking like one, they were so pissed when they saw me again post-DIY HRT)
Fuck transmedicalists, those fuckers wanted me to pretend to be a woman because it's really funny to see a man desperately pretending to be a woman or they wouldn't let me have HRT legitimately. Thankfully I was able to buy Estrogen and blockers on the black market so who's laughing now?
In the US, things have improved a lot and there are informed consent clinics where you can go to a clinic and sign a document saying you know what you're doing and get a prescription for estradiol (not sure about T). Obviously things are very dicey politically, and some doctors are still shitty, but generally the medical/scientific consensus is on our side, and recognizes that it's better for people to get meds through a legitimate doctor/pharmacy as opposed to more sketchy online stuff.
I only say this because I hesitated to look into it because I'd heard horror storirs about medical gatekeeping, but when I actually looked into it it was much easier than expected.
I think that sentiments like this are really dependent on the context that the diagnosis is made within. E.g. in countries with free healthcare, gatekeeping on some level is a necessary evil, not just in trans healthcare, but in general, to allocate funding. For example, I can't get braces for free despite my crooked teeth, because they're not fucked up enough to warrant it, so I'd have to pay out of pocket. I don't think it's that crazy that someone's HRT wouldn't be covered by the state if they're likely to want to change to the opposite hormone profile just 3 months later.
Or am I just completely misunderstanding what this meme is talking about? Obviously, in a private healthcare setting, the only requirement is informed consent.
Well this is about the clinical definition of gender dysphoria, which isn't a term used in treatment contexts outside the US (i.e., places with free healthcare). Most other countries, in clinical contexts at least, use the ICD11, which uses the term gender incongruence and is actually less strict
Mango Loco's good, but it kinda'... loses its novelty after the first half of the second can... Honestly prefer the peach one (forgot the name) over Mango Loco:-?
original zero sugar is better with red bull being better than that energy drinks shouldn't taste like tropical juice they should taste like an energy drink "energy drink flavour" is delicious and they need to stop trying to hide it with sugar and fruit