What a weird thing to say
What a weird thing to say
this user is a mod of a huge .world news community btw
What a weird thing to say
this user is a mod of a huge .world news community btw
It makes perfect sense, if you don't think of Muslims as people.
there are claims that the Arabs there were brought in from Egypt to work in the region in the 20th century, or something. In other words, they claim that Palestinians are actually Egyptian and from other neighboring states, and have only been living there for a century or so.
“i’m so sorry sir but your family has only lived in this household for checks notes 100 years and three generations. yeah so you are basically immigrants sorry, you understand why i have to bulldoze everything you own.”
I don't see why they need to not have Muslims there though. Ok, so this is where you wanna be, all good, but if someone else wants to be there too you kinda need to let them..I think that's where the problem is, it's not Israel, it's that Israel isn't sharing.
They think that they will be replaced as the dominant political power if local Muslims (Palestinians) are allowed to live there, thrive, and run for office. They are honestly probably right about that.
Doesn’t mean that enforcing an apartheid is justified though.
This doesn't say anything about Islam, way to wiggle in a non-related fact though.
Did you know that things can be implied through omission?
Ignoring that people were already living there says all it needs to.
What is the dominant religion of the people killed and displaced by "Israelis"?
And a follow-up: are you learning this for th4 fi4st time?
I guess "palestinians as people" would be more accurate
Non related? Give me a break
I think a lot of groups would have similar problems if they kept track of their genealogy over 3,000 years. Maybe where people you were related to 150 generations ago lived should not dictate global policy.
I live next to Germany, who conquered my country not even a handful of generations ago.
Nobody blames the current Germans.
Exactly, this is why decolonization is a crazy solution.
Any solution needs to focus on where people are today. Focus on getting what they need.
with an important asterisk for reparations etc
i assume that’s what you meant by focus on getting what they need
Guy justifying White Colonialism with some fable about his race having a right to the land.
Every single colonialist movement that steals land fmro the natives and mass murders them has bullshit like this, all the way back to when the English stole the land from the natives and started calling themselves Americans.
Goes far further back than that. The Persian invasion of Turkey and the subsequent Greek invasion of Persia and Egypt comes to mind.
Roman conquests of the Mediterranean. The islamic conquest of North Africa, the Balkans and India.
Colonialism is not a new concept, it's conquest them staying to impose your culture on the locals and exploiting the local resources.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine also has colonialist objectives.
I will say he hasn't banned me for going directly against his pro isreal views yet. So that's a plus. But I'm not a fan of the erasing of any semitic people other than Jews as a justification for Genocide.
They may not, but the other mods on that comm are more than happy to do it for any other reasons.
So many threads where the only comments left are the pro zionist ones
Yeah. They don’t appear to be very active with their negative views, otherwise, I would be more vocal and include the accusation in the title. I believe people at least deserve to be informed, though.
Appreciate your fairness!
So, then, let’s do the Americas next…
Hey I'd take my white ass back to Europe if given the chance; Free Healthcare, no Trump, actual Labor Laws that let me afford to eat...
According to jewish lore, aren't the Israelites originally from Egypt, and immigranted as refugees to what is now Palestine and Israel?
no but your curiosity is noble :) at the very basic, the jewish people emerged from the caananite population and egypt was a later thing i wish i could provide you resources to set you on the right track but i don’t see myself as smart enough and hope others can help out
As far as I know, Egypt was just a story from the Bible. There is no archaeological evidence of a Jewish population of size in Egypt.
I'm not talking about real historic events, I'm talking about religious legends
Just tell us who they are. Why hide the username?
I am shocked the super zionist news mod would say that. /s
i just dgaf tbh
"mod of a huge .world community" ahhh and slowly the ".ml is an echo chamber!!!!" posts are beginning to shape up.
If it's any consolation, I've blocked both instances.
What's left, other than Star Trek and piracy?
Shit lib supports genocide, what's new? .world tends to attract neoliberal bootlickers and reactionaries who call anyone left of them a "tankie".
I can't speak for others, but I have a threshold for it. Communists are fine. Anarcho-communists are fine. Privileged idiots living in a western country and holding the stance that "anything west is bad and therefore anything against the west is good" and praising dictatorship governments while calling themselves communist are not.
Yup. You can criticise the west, colonialism, and capitalism as much as you want. I'll agree with you more often than not if you do. But the second you start praising the imperial actions of Russia or China, or making absolutely laughable comments about China being the real exemplar of a democratic nation, or pretending the degree of censorship and authoritarianism in western countries is even remotely comparable to those of places like China and North Korea, you're a tankie and even the things I'd otherwise agree with you about become suspect.