Transition officials have used Project 2025's extensive personnel database to identify potential hires for the incoming administration, a person familiar with the plans said.
Despite disavowing Project 2025 during the campaign, Trump’s transition team is now using its extensive database of vetted conservative candidates to help fill over 4,000 government positions.
Project 2025, criticized for its extreme policy proposals and links to Trump’s first administration, created a “conservative LinkedIn” of 10,000 candidates.
While some contributors are being tapped for key roles, others face rejection due to controversial stances.
Democrats, who used Project 2025 in campaign attacks, are warning of its influence on Trump’s agenda and planning policy responses.
You know who else disavowed what he wrote publicly to pacify his critics? Hitler with Mein Kampf. He kept repeating he wrote Mein Kampf in 1925 but had changed his views since. Guess what: he hadn't.
And surprise-surprise, the Orange Utan hasn't either. It's almost like we didn't see that one coming from a mile away...
And don't think for a second that I'm the only one to see the striking parallel.
I have a friend who says things like "oh that project isn't real its just a think tank".
Nobody writes a document that long and detailed just as a little thought experiment. It was obviously a manifesto and I don't know how so many people against project 2025 still voted for the party supporting it.
All the policy goals are the same as what's been in the Republican platform for decades. The only thing Project 2025 adds is how to get there. Is Trump a useful idiot? Maybe, although it would be silly to operate under that assumption rather than believing he's just as committed as the rest of them. Either way, the idea having seeped into the popular consciousness of the American voter that Project 2025 is something other than a serious plan for a Republican administration is an astonishing bit of doublethink. Orwell spins like a turbine in his grave.
I've run into some trump voters who aren't worried about project 2025 because "i'm going to vote against it in 2025" and it's like… goddammit, why did the republicans get so good at propaganda so fast (hint: Russian money)
I'd say blame it on conservatives. But you can also blame it on the absolute idiots that voted 3rd party, were single issue voters, or abstained from voting. They're just as much to blame and just as stupid as Trump supporters.
I hate self important douche bags who are so used to basking in their own fart clouds that they can't see how sanctimonious they are and can't come to terms with the fact that maybe their fart sniffing ideology doesn't work for all 300M other people in this country.
Especially when they turn around and call their political opposites sanctimonious fart sniffing hypocrites without acknowledging their own hypocrisy. It annoys me.
"Genocide Joe" passed more meaningful legislation for average Americans then most presidents. But the conservative propaganda machine won and made him seem like the devil incarnate because stupid Americans can't discern fact from fiction.
That's not what happened. The slice of America that turned hard against Harris was uninformed voters, not engaged leftists. That is absolutely clear in the exit polls. There was also a massive spike in google searches about whether Biden was still in the race ON ELECTION DAY. If you just have to blame someone other than Biden and Harris, that's who you must blame. All the evidence says your terminally online theory is flat wrong.
Your reading comprehension skills suck. The original commenter mentioned TWO types of idiots. 1) the morons that voted third party, and 2) the defectives that ABSTAINED from voting.
I guess your brain only came equipped with 8GB of RAM, because you acted like OP gave you some clever GOTCHA moment by only mentioning 3rd party voters, while you completely disregarded OP including group #2 as well.
In the future, I recommend you avoid complex tasks, like, say, chewing gum and walking at the same time.
They are just angry and trying to blame other people for their shitty candidates loss. If they can scapegoat other voters they can feel superior, it’s basically all to protect their fragile feelings.
It seems like everyone is waiting for another chance to vote. Voting isn't the only political action.
If you want to prevent this agenda you still have options. I don't just mean protests and riots, but organized labor.
A general strike would cripple them. Start organizing your workplaces, join unions, join community groups. The time for voting is over the time for direct action is now. You don't have to wait until the whole project is implemented, you don't have to wait for a disappointing Democratic candidate to gaslight you in 2028. Take action now, join a movement now. The more you do now the better off you'll be in the future.
How does one go about looking for movements to join? Honestly asking. I'm assuming I can't just type "labor movements near me" into Google maps, but I honestly don't know where to start looking for trustworthy resources on this stuff.
By its nature it'll vary in each community, political parties are always a safe bet, most areas will have socialists or communists and whether or not you identify as one of those they'll likely have resources for labor organizations in the area. I'm not suggesting that everyone has to be a leftist, but just that leftists have been doing this work for decades and tend to organize.
The IWW union is an international union that provides support to people looking to organize their workplaces.
On the topic of unions, I'm sure most unions in your city would be willing to help answer your questions and give you guidance. They might have websites where you can reach out to ask for advice.
Your city's pride parade or other socially conscious events like demonstrations will also see participation from these kinds of groups. It can be a good way to see what groups are operating in your city. For example your city might still have student protest encampments for Palestine on university campuses. Unions and political groups go to these and put material up at these.
Do that Google search! Looking for leftist, socialist, communist, anarchist, or labour unions based on trade in your city is actually not a bad way to get started.
I'm new to direct action myself and others might have better suggestions.
It's ok to start small, like a community garden even. These are all part of a broader network that you'll have exposure to once you are looking.
A big part of the problem is those most impacted by these policies cannot afford to take time off to strike or protest. And I'm not sure if it's as bad in America as it is in Canada but if there was a general labour strike, our Canadian politicians would just solve it by importing cheap labour.
There are lot of problems. The biggest is funding.
Most politicians come from money. Not all, but a good number. This, oddly enough, can make them a bit more independent since they don't have special interests demanding their time to get their money. But depending on their motives for running, this can also make them very susceptible to corruption to make their money back.
If you don't have money, you have to raise it. You can either do this by meeting with special interests (oil, pharma, etc.) and be their lapdog or you can solicit money from the public. Both have their pros and cons in terms of getting elected, staying elected, and making sure you can do the work you set out to do.
Let's assume you have money and it's untainted.
The second biggest problem you have is name recognition. If you are a nobody, no one is going to elect you. You have to earn name recognition by either winning several smaller elections, by being active in the community, or by being famous. Usually if your rich, you have name recognition so you can usually skip this step. But if you're not, and you're raising money the old fashion way, you need to get your name out there. You remember Joe Exotic? You know him because he ran a ridiculous campaign.
Let's assume that you're active in the community and you have pretty good name recognition.
The hardest hurdle is going to be that you have almost half of your electorate actively rooting against you.
IMO, the reason why you don't see many young people in politics, even at the local level, is because all three of these steps seem so insurmountable. I looked into it. I never formed a committee or anything but the amount of money alone you have to raise is crazy.
You need a thick skin and you need to be willing to compromise, either your morals or your values, often both.
That’s always been his plan. And it’ll happen because these Heritage Foundation ghouls will run the government off-camera while Trump and his reality TV cabinet distract us with fights and absurd sound bites in between his golf rounds.
When I was a kid it was a common belief that americans were just way more stupid than the rest of the world. Turns out it was worse, but that we were also really stupid for copying a lot of their dumb shit.
When Trump and his team were effectively forced to respond by a deluge of other outlets covering it, Trump literally just got in an interview and said "I never read it". He didn't say he didn't know about it, he didn't say he didn't agree with it, just "I never read it, I don't know what it's about" - which I believe because the guy barely reads anything according to all the sources I can find.
Remember that really ever since 2000, a LARGE amount of voters have checked out entirely. They get their politics third-hand from people who watched Fox or read an article and many don't even do that, just going into a polling station and checking whoever's name they've heard more in the last month or two. They're not even low-information, they're zero-information, and some, like my mother, are even negative-information, digesting objectively untrue facts and regurgitating them onto their personal political canvas (mom got deep into the Qanon panic because "parts of it felt true").
The America of Idiocracy was waaaay better than what we're going to get. I remember joking about how we were heading that way. Little did I know how quickly it would be so much worse.
Im in my 50's. I feel so bad for my parents. So many good things have happened in their lifetimes, only for their twilight years to turn into non-stop devastating disappointment and the relentless reversal of so much progress.
This is exactly what they said they would not do... trump stated several times that he would not go forward with this project that he had never ever in a million years heard of.... You people were played like a cheap russian fiddle.
They never came up with any other plan, so they're just going with what they've got. They haven't been able to govern for more than a decade. They're so fractured and have done nothing more than shit talk and blame, so no nobody is willing to try to get republicans to form a group capable of planning anything other than who to point fingers at.
Most of America doesn’t give a shit about California women’s right to an abortion, or that transgenders should be allowed in whatever bathroom they want, or that Trump is “weird”. They care about “am I better off now than I was last year?” And the answer for a lot of people is “no”. They look at the democrats brag about unemployment rates being low and that is inflation is brought under control, while most of America is still paying $5 for eggs that used to be $2. Everyday middle Americans can no longer afford simple things and their kids are worse off than they are. I know this problem wasn’t wholly created by Biden, Harris, or even Trump, but Americans felt like Harris didn’t care about their plight and that her upper class California woman self was really unrelatable. Then Harris spends a lot time trying to get celebrity endorsements and she is so out of touch that she didn’t realize celebrity endorsements actually lose you votes. People don’t care what Beyonce and Cardi B think about politics, well not the smart people or the people’s vote you actually need.
Celebrities aside they were parading Cheney and Bush around... These were the "vote blue no matter who" enemies of 20 years ago. Who wants to vote for a party that'll brag about Barron Trump's endorsement in 20 more years?
You can't run on not being your opponent. You can't fight a status quo disruptive candidate from the far right with bland centrist positions. People wanted change, only one party offered change.
Yes people are dumb, yes their faces will be eaten, yes to all of those things. But Democrats still lost. Trump didn't win, Harris lost.
Now they'll go even more right and wonder why nobody is excited to get out to vote.
The right wing already had a good candidate. Where's the left wing candidate?
The dominant forces in the Democratic party are more likely to abandon trans people than to shift left.
A big part of the problem is that Democrat supporters are overwhelmingly politically inactive. Instead of shushing anti-genocide voices, climate protestors, etc. they should be joining and amplifying those voices not just around election time but always, constantly.
The DNC will always fast-track a centrist candidate and suppress progressive candidates if there's no political pressure outside of election time. They get their money from the same people that the Republicans do.
"Vote blue no matter who" and voting as the only political action guarantee the ratchet effect.
Idk about this. I think most people care if their partners, sisters, daughters, and themselves can get healthcare that may involve an abortion. I think a lot of people do vote on vibes, and being "weird" is damaging. The Republicans are the party that won't stop talking about transgender people; I don't recall Harris mentioning transgendered people once.
I kinda agree with most of your other points. Economic well-being is what people vote on first and foremost. Dunno if celebrity endorsements actually hurt though. A thing to note is that, barring a tech advancement, recession, or depression, prices don't generally decrease. I.e. wages (and government assistance) needs to rise at about the same rate as inflation (preferably more than).
Harris lost because she was seen as not going to change much of anything from Biden. She even conceded to false narratives of the right (such as immigration), instead of providing an alternative narrative that could inspire people. The economic changes she ran on were uninspiring, and I'm not sure they would've helped most people (mostly people don't start small businesses, or even really have a desire to; not sure if downpayment assistance wouldn't just increased prices and fees).