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  • They managed to release an app without the material you themed icon in 2023. thats basically basically one line to add in an xml file.

    They can train ai models but cant do that

    Also they are like 0 features more than the webpage. They may add payment through google at some point but right now I dont see the point in using the app.

  • It should be illegal to put anything but the Wi-Fi button as the first option in the panel.

  • I've been using gpt assist from fdroid and occasionally the bing chat to really just mess about with AI thing.

    Wondering if the official app has any advantages over those. I mean I don't really do much but ask it for crossover plots between different shows. Poems, rewriting songs or asking dumb questions.

    • How does gpt assist work? Do you give it your API key or the Devs sponsor all users?

      Anyways, the official app exclude a man in the middle.