Former intelligence official says information came from multiple colleagues but couldn’t ‘go into specifics’ at Congressional hearing into cover-up claims
Even if he showed up to the hearing dragging the corpse of a grey floating in a tank on a wagon behind him, people wouldn't believe it. I think we're well past the point where it really matters in a practical sense anymore.
See, hearing about this tells me that somewhere, they catastrophically fucked up; and this 'non-human biologics' nonsense is whole cloth to distract from it until proper spin can be applied to whatever catastrophically fucked.
I don't think it's a collective or organized 'they', probably just a few guys that didn't appreciate Grusch nosing in on their legitimate classified operations- reverse engineering downed Chinese balloons and whatnot, so they fed him a big fish that had enough truth to sell it but also crazy enough to 'decommission' Grusch when he started repeating the crazy parts.
lol - 'Non-human biologics' - so anything biological that isn't human. Like a dog, or an ant, or a bacteria, or a blade of grass, or a virus, or some mold. 'non-human biologics' are literally everywhere on earth. You would expect to find 'non-human biologics' at any kind of 'crash site'.