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  • Day 2 of intermediate body shred challenge completed, plus tummy exercises. I got home from work last night, did 2 loads of washing, very begrudgingly cooked dinner, which was lovely, had exhausting argument with elder minipeeler about doing homework and basically collapsed into bed without doing my evening exercises ๐Ÿ˜” Both minipeelers are home sick today. Made a breakfast juice with ginger, pear, spinach, apple celery and a small beetroot. I'd show you a picture but, you know, it's a purple ploppy looking juice.

    Bonus picture of dinner

    Picture is of steak with mash, peas and broccoli, chargrilled zucchini and red Brussels sprouts cooked in a mushroom cream sauce, thereby negating any health benefits of said sprouts. I seem to cook better when I'm tired and pissed off.

    • You are a machine. Your family is lucky to have you. I hope some appreciation is conveyed

    • Wow, that's something I haven't seen in a long time. Steak. looks yum and being so early in the day seeing that, it's made me hungry!

      Well done on getting all that last night. I wouldn't have been able to do that. Very Impressive.

    • That is the ultimate dinner ๐Ÿคค

    • Yuuumm. All my favs right there. I'm so glad everyone's on the mushrooms. I fucking love 'em.

      • Agreed. My fave weekend breakfast involves fried mushrooms, spinach and red onion on Turkish toast or a fresh sourdough toast. Bonus egg, bacon and beetroot relish because I can't resist going overboard on that stuff!

    • Oh my, so much tasty food in here today! Yummm!

  • Rejected again, I'm unemployable
    \ Dejected again, unenjoyable
    \ But I got fishnet stockings on, feeling neat
    \ I'll dance my bleeding heart out, undefeated
    \ I'll keep trying to be another wage-drone
    \ In a capitalist landscape that wants me gone
    \ I don't care anymore, I know I am qualified
    \ Don't care about my failings being quantified
    \ I'm ready to dance, I'm ready to go
    \ Where I'll end up, I do not know
    \ But whereever it is, it's where I'm meant to be
    \ Tonight I'll let loose, and pretend I am free

  • It was a wet dog walk this morning. The night was warm too - I did not sleep well, and tossed and turned so much Mr Woof went to sleep in the lounge room. It makes me feel much better about being at work when I am not missing a nice day.

    • Hey, so it wasn't just me feeling unnaturally warm. I woke up in sweat a couple times which is very unusual!

      • Yeah, it was wild. I walked home around midnight and the app said 14 degrees. I thought it was joking, but so many people were out.

  • Late edition dins:

    Just sushi rice, rice vinegar, pinch of sugar, then cucumber and kewpie mixed with shit hot habanero sauce.

    Next up are the springers!

  • I love mein Opa. He loves pulling apart dangerous appliances (think microwaves) that he finds during hard-rubbish, and refurbishing them. He built the sun-room by himself, and wired it all back in the 70s, we have Sunday Lunch in it still. He browses the internet and knows how to research, learning from YT how phones and PCs are made.

    But he had to ask me for help, bc his Samsung Android phone kept notifying him every 5 minutes or so that he had a msg. I had to pop into the settings and show him how to turn the 'reminder' feature off.

    He's the best.

  • Well that's another job I didn't get... As much as I like working for the APS, I'm getting very sick of their drawn out recruitment process that seems to go no where for me no matter how much effort I put in. What sucks is I'm desperate to get out of my current job but I can't just quit because I'll lose all the clearances that come with being an APS employee, which make me ever so slightly more favourable when I do apply for jobs. This whole thing is definitely becoming a huge rut for me.

  • Slowly sinking down into my bed
    \ With thoughts swirling in my head
    \ Sigh, I remember what I said
    \ I wouldn't post my pain on this thread
    \ But I am desperate for connection
    \ To be seen, in the face of self-rejection
    \ I want to feel some validation
    \ That I'm not alone in my complications
    \ I can win this fight against my brain

    • You are not alone, and you can win this fight.

      I'm sending you this octopus ๐Ÿ™ to help. Bacon gave it to me yesterday, and whilst it is no good at bookkeeping it is very clever with those tenticles, and dealt very effectively with the brain it was given for breakfast.

  • Great news guys. The capsicums are fine.

    I sliced half of them for a stirfry. Still thinking what to do with the other half.

  • My dinner tonight was home made pizza, like all Friday's.

    Didn't take photos but t'was good.

    Olives, artichoke, chilli, garlic and anchovies.

    Oh yeah




    • I tried this, but I'm at work so it made people think I needed something. I asked for coffee and a biscuit but apparently it's only appropriate to ask for work related help. Life is so unfair.

      Edit: someone just came around with donuts. I guess life's not so bad after all.

    • Listen, I'm not sure why we're stuck in this crawl space but if that's what we need to do to both git down and place our hands on a ceiling of some sort, fine, I just need to know when we can break for morning tea and if there will be shortbread biscuits.

    • Thanks for reminding me.The only hands up to the ceiling I'll be doing is with a duster to remove some of the cobwebs.

  • I started the sign-up process with Sumo Energy, then realised there was no option to put a date of change in so didn't continue (I have fixed rate until the end of August). They have been sending me regular emails, and have now upgraded to offering me a $50 fuel voucher if I sign up. Apparently waiting pays.

  • Ugh. How much do friend arguments suck. You've only got my side of the story, but they were absolutely being an immature brat about a work thing they're going through. And during their ranting, they also managed to direct some insults at me. Uncalled for dude. And I actually think they could be using this work situation to their advantage. Hopefully we can move past this, because I have since apologised (though between us I lowkey think I shouldn't be apologising lmao), but so be it if we don't. A shame, but this isn't the first time things have been said that don't sit right with me. UGH

  • Mein Liebe is cooking up some pasta before we head out. I am so very lucky to have a person who likes me (he says he loves me haha) and likes cooking for me.

    Lucky little blob that I am.

    Edit: Because the CEO told me to, here is the pasta (pasata, pork mince, tomates, and love lol)

    ID: bowl of red sauce pasta.

  • the cum trees have flowered and grown leaves.

    i have saved the first worm.

    weโ€™re fucked.

  • Gonna make a shitload of spring rolls today and rebuild The Stashโ„ข.

    Putting in heaps of the coriander forest because that's gonna bolt in this 420ppm the nino AMOC ice extent SSTA six sigma tic tac madness.

    Also lots of chilli going in from last season that's in the freezer. I've found if you put red food dye on the uncooked pastry (as a warning), it actually stays a very bright red after deep frying.

    • That middle paragraph is that computy talk?

      • I read it a few times but all I parse is word-salad

      • climate heh. Bear with me..

        420ppm is CO2 parts per million El nino AMOC = Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Ppl worried it's slowing. Antarctic ice extent SSTA = sea surface temperature anomaly six sigma = six standard deviations away from the mean for both north atlantic SSTA and Antarctic sea ice extent tic tac is the alien ship from the recent UFO revelations that's (some believe) come to save our climate and corianders.

        I read a lot of doom porn :(

    • Yes plug it in. She'll be right. ๐Ÿ‘

  • Two nights of crap sleep has left me all sorts of roller-coastery today. le sigh Also just faffed around for two hours+ in an attempt to find a dress. Nada. Everything is just so unappealing?

    Also, is it just me, but is our fast food getting even more junkier? I mean, I canโ€™t talk. I love me a good robust munch (not to mention burgs), butโ€ฆ it just feels like every new offering is a bun/crumbed/deep fried. I worry for usโ€ฆ

    Gotta get out of this funky meh.

  • PSA. If you announce you are eating then you must post a pic of the meal. I don't care if it's just a cracker. Free upvote for anybody who does this.

    • About to go to a work shindig (It's only 5 here). The food the company puts on is usually decent, though it has been hit-and-miss a few times. I'll provide an update when appropriate.

  • So there is no doubt Iโ€™m late to the party, but I was beyond pleased to find that I could add voice recordings to MS PP for each slide, have them auto play and set up the slide to go to the next after each (timed) and then export it as a video. The amount of times I have re-recorded videos in the pastโ€ฆ Why did I not realise this sooner. Definite large rock I live under.

  • I've officially gone blazin mad and am on a rampage scheduling emails to my future self to remind me to do things.