I initially tried to follow this but I kept having a "couldn't find module" error. Since I have never touched python prior to this, I am unaware how to fix this and the help links are not exactly helpful. If there's someone who could guide me through this tutorial that would be great.
I don't really get what this is but I think its some sort of python pack and it tells me to download using the pip command but that doesn't seem to work (syntax error). I don't know how to manually add it in because, again, I have little idea of what I'm doing.
This one seemed like it'd be an out-of-box deal but not only does it need the pip command to download but it has like 5 other dependencies it needs to function which complicates it more for me.
I am not criticizing these wares, I am just asking for help and if someone could help with the simplification of it all or maybe even point me to an easier method that would be amazing!
Figured out that I am supposed to run the command for pip in the command prompt thing on my computer, not the python runner. py -m followed by the pip request
Got the Ethan Jarrell tutorial to work and managed to add in selenium, which made me realize that selenium isn't really helpful with the project. rip xP
Spent a bunch of time trying to workshop the basic scraper to work with dynamic sites, unsuccessful
Online self-help doesn't go in as much as I would like, probably due to the legal grey area
There is no simplification that you're looking for. It seems you don't have a programing background. If you really need to scrape something, you need to learn a programing language, HTTP, HTML, and maybe javascript. AFAIK, there is no easy way or point and click scrapper building tool. You will need to invest time and learn. Don't worry, you should be able to get it done in 2-3 months if you do invest your time in.
I don't want a point and click scraper, just a guide that isn't assuming I have background + simple mans terms for easier reading. Thanks for believing in me to be able to build the basic skills necessary! Much appreciated :3
I don't a single guide for you but I can layout a road map.
A programming language. I prefer Python.
Basic HTML syntax and CSS selectors
HTTP, specifically methods, status code (no need to memorize all cuz you can go look it up), and cookies
After you got those foundation ready, you can go on and try to build a webscraper. I advice aginst using Scrapy. Not because it is bad but too overwhelming and abstracted for any beginner. I will instead advice you use requests for HTTP, and BeautifulSoup4 for HTML parsing. You will build a more solid foundation and transition to scrapy later when you need those advanced function.
When you get stuck, don't afraid to pause on your attempt and read tutorials again. Head to the Python Community on Discord to get interactive help. We welcome noobs as we once were noobs too. Just don't ever mention scraping there as they can't help if they suspect you're trying to do something inappropriate, malicious, or illegal. They are notoriously aginst yt-dlp which frustrates me a bit. Phrase it nicely and in an generic way. I will be there occasionally offering help.