I initially tried to follow this but I kept having a "couldn't find module" error. Since I have never touched python prior to this, I am unaware how to fix this and the help links are not exactly helpful. If there's someone who could guide me through this tutorial that would be great.
I don't really get what this is but I think its some sort of python pack and it tells me to download using the pip command but that doesn't seem to work (syntax error). I don't know how to manually add it in because, again, I have little idea of what I'm doing.
This one seemed like it'd be an out-of-box deal but not only does it need the pip command to download but it has like 5 other dependencies it needs to function which complicates it more for me.
I am not criticizing these wares, I am just asking for help and if someone could help with the simplification of it all or maybe even point me to an easier method that would be amazing!
Figured out that I am supposed to run the command for pip in the command prompt thing on my computer, not the python runner. py -m followed by the pip request
Got the Ethan Jarrell tutorial to work and managed to add in selenium, which made me realize that selenium isn't really helpful with the project. rip xP
Spent a bunch of time trying to workshop the basic scraper to work with dynamic sites, unsuccessful
Online self-help doesn't go in as much as I would like, probably due to the legal grey area
I have quite an extensive history of scraping web sites for various data over the years, I'd be happy to help you out but I can't really know how to help without knowing what website your trying to scrape, different sites have their own challenges (maybe behind a login, or using JavaScript to load content - in which case a http response won't give you what you're after, or any number of things really).
If you give me a link to a book you want to download as an example I can take a look and help guide you through it
100% this. Every website is different, though after doing this kind of thing for long enough, there are often common patterns and frameworks/libraries. Even general obfuscation can be reasonably reverse engineered with enough time and effort.
Gemini, Perplexity, Poe. Creating a Selenium script isn't that hard for them. You can try running your own, but it's more less likely that it will produce good results. Best coder LLM I've seen out there for hosting is Yi Coder 9B.
There is no simplification that you're looking for. It seems you don't have a programing background. If you really need to scrape something, you need to learn a programing language, HTTP, HTML, and maybe javascript. AFAIK, there is no easy way or point and click scrapper building tool. You will need to invest time and learn. Don't worry, you should be able to get it done in 2-3 months if you do invest your time in.
I don't want a point and click scraper, just a guide that isn't assuming I have background + simple mans terms for easier reading. Thanks for believing in me to be able to build the basic skills necessary! Much appreciated :3
I don't a single guide for you but I can layout a road map.
A programming language. I prefer Python.
Basic HTML syntax and CSS selectors
HTTP, specifically methods, status code (no need to memorize all cuz you can go look it up), and cookies
After you got those foundation ready, you can go on and try to build a webscraper. I advice aginst using Scrapy. Not because it is bad but too overwhelming and abstracted for any beginner. I will instead advice you use requests for HTTP, and BeautifulSoup4 for HTML parsing. You will build a more solid foundation and transition to scrapy later when you need those advanced function.
When you get stuck, don't afraid to pause on your attempt and read tutorials again. Head to the Python Community on Discord to get interactive help. We welcome noobs as we once were noobs too. Just don't ever mention scraping there as they can't help if they suspect you're trying to do something inappropriate, malicious, or illegal. They are notoriously aginst yt-dlp which frustrates me a bit. Phrase it nicely and in an generic way. I will be there occasionally offering help.
Selenium is really more of a testing framework for frontend developers, and could theoretically be used for scraping, but that would be somewhat like buying a car based on the paint and not looking in detail under the hood.
I can't say I've ever worked with scrappy, but the tool I would use for web scraping with Python is BeautifulSoup. This tutorial seems decent enough, but you will need to understand basic web concepts like IDs, classes, tags, and tag attributes to get the most out of the tutorial: https://geekpython.medium.com/web-scraping-in-python-using-beautifulsoup-3207c038723b
The reason to use Selenium is if the website you want to scrape uses javascript in a way that inhibits getting content without a full browser environment. BeautifulSoup is just a parser, it can't solve that problem.
In my experience, this scenario typically means that there is some sort of API (very likely undocumented) that is being used on the backend. That requires a bit more investigation and testing with browser developer tools, the JS Console, and often trial and error. But once you overcome that (admittedly very complex and technical) hurdle, you can almost always get away with just using the requests library at that point.
I've had to do that kind of thing more times than I'd like to admit, but the juice is almost always worth the squeeze.
Depending on what you want to scape, that's a lot of overkill and overcomplication. Full website testing frameworks may not be necessary to scrape. Python with it's tooling and package management may not be necessary.
I've recently extracted and downloaded stuff via Nushell.
Requirement: Knowledge of CSS Selectors
Inspect Website DOM in Webbrowser web developer tools
Identify structure
Identify adequate selectors; testable via browser dev tools console document.querySelectorAll()
Get and query data
For me, my command line terminal and scripting language of choice is Nushell:
let $html = http get 'https://example.org/'
let $meta = $html | query web --query '#infobox .title, #infobox .tags' | | { title: $in.0.0 tags: $in.1.0 }
let $content = $html | query web --query 'main img' --attribute data-src
$meta | save meta.json
1..30 | each {|x| http get $'https://example.org/img/($x).jpg' | save $'($x).jpg'; sleep 100ms }
Depending on the tools you use, it'll be quite similar or very different.
Selenium is an entire web-browser driver meaning it does a lot more and has a more extensive interface because of it; and you can talk to it through different interfaces and languages.
Selenium is a “driver” that controls browsers, you would need some type of software to actually drive it. If you have programming experience it’s pretty easy to get going.
Personally, I use it in Ruby on Rails development for unit testing but I also use it to log in to websites and perform some actions on behalf of a user (where the websites don’t offer an API).
I don’t have experience with the others, but thought my comment may or may not be useful.
I probably can’t be of much help yet unless for some reason you want to take up programming. I’m just not familiar with web scraping outside programming.
You're going to want to do a lot more reading ahead of time then. It's not hard, but you really need to know some basics about javascript before you start.
I am no expert, but I have used Python in a professional environment, and helped on board a Python newbie to build out his first project.
It would be helpful to know what your environment looks like (what OS you are running, Python version, terminal interface -- are you running cmd, powershell, terminal) and which steps prompts the reported error messages.
Starting from the first time running Python using a Windows computer, the first steps should be
Launch Powershell as admin and type in the following commands:
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
winget install python
mkdir python
cd python
python -m venv scraper
Following that you should be able to use pip to install more modules or packages. I have Visual Studio Code as my IDE, and that means from there I can also run code to open the text editor to write whatever code I intend to run. Be sure to save it to
If your scripts are saved to that folder, you can run them from powershell by just typing in their filename. Any time you run scripts, open powershell and type cd python and then .\scraper\Scripts\activate Hit enter, then type in the name of the script you want to run.
This information dump is not the most detailed, but it should get you to the point that you can run your scripts.
I am having to frankinscript because resources don't really give out the code for my needs. I am using command prompt from win powershell and testing with python IDLE
We use node.js with puppeteer for some of our web crawling at work. It's pretty straightforward once you have a basic script to launch it. If you havent already I'd highly suggest installing vs code. You install node.js, then using npm (node package manager) install puppeteer and whatever other dependencies you might have. Someone out there probably has a basic js file out there that will open chrome, or just ask an LLM (I just use ChatGPT, they're all the same shit). From there you just need to navigate to your pages, then use a queryselector and .click() to click on your elements. It's all javascript from there.
Pro tip: write your queryselectors in your browser using the inspect element/console tab, then put it in your JS file. Nothing is worse than being 10 minutes into a crawl and you've got a queerselector.
I'm attempting to make a webscraper that can grab online books that are stored within the site or stored with a direct link to the storage site. I don't want to reinvent this but finding one that I can work and/or build off of is hard due to my lack of experience and vague resources.
Sure, ok but this should be pretty straightforward. How technical are you? There should be record and playback tools but I haven't used one of those in years.