Just a week after winning a majority of the vote in several of the nation’s largest Arab-majority cities, President-elect Donald Trump has filled top administration posts with staunch Israel supporters, including an ambassador to Israel who has claimed “there is no such thing as Palestinians.”
Arab Americans who supported Trump in battleground states like Michigan express concerns over his key appointments, particularly pro-Israel figures like Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, and Elise Stefanik, who oppose a two-state solution and back Israel’s actions in Gaza.
While some voters hoped Trump would prioritize peace in the Middle East, his picks have fueled unease about his administration’s direction.
Outreach leaders like Massad Boulos, who engaged Arab American communities during Trump’s campaign, have yet to secure roles, leaving some supporters questioning their expectations of Trump’s policies.
maaan… how the fuck are people this uninformed about who donald trump is and what he's about? did all these people think supporting him would curry them favor, and make their people safer than if a less insane candidate took office? like, i geuinely don't understand how you hear what this motherfucker says and not realize his whole entire deal i hating people who aren't cishet white men. like i can get my friend who the first ever election she voted in in our country was 2016 when she grew up with different formats of propaganda, but he was president for four years, and this go around he's been more mask off, and the people saying he's dangerous have been more direct in their messaging.
like… how are people this illiterate beyond just reading comprehension? like, why don't you got anything comprehension, what is this?
we're going to fix this. i don't know how yet. and it won't be easy. and it won't be short term. but we're going to fix this, so read to a kid. make them remember reading time as the best part of their day. make them love the things AI can't twist: physical artifacts
So true. And getting rid of good teachers through low pay and other disincentives.
My daughter had a completely unqualified "substitute" teacher for her entire sixth grade here in Indiana. Her qualifications? She ran a children's theater troupe in Orange County, CA. Really. Never taught a class in her life, which is why she did at least two blatantly illegal things (only one of which I knew about in time):
Punished my daughter for refusing to say the pledge of allegiance. That was decided as her right by SCOTUS in the 1940s.
Told the kids that the 2020 election was a lie and Trump was the real president.
I wish I had known about the second one during the school year because I read her the riot act on the first one.
And now she's in online school in the 8th grade. It's a public school, but done online. The teachers are accredited, and they are (overall) decent. It is run by Pearson, the evil company that makes the textbooks most public school kids use, so she's learning from the same source as most kids in the U.S.. Since I'm a "learning coach," meaning I make sure she stays on track, I'm reading what they're teaching her and it's ridiculous.
Right now she's doing English grammar. Shit that does not matter outside of academic fields like linguistics, things that are not necessary to know for good writing and reading. You don't have to be able to define a participle to know how to read or to write well. And frankly, it's really fucking confusing to the point that I can't follow it sometimes. Even her teacher keeps screwing it up based on what I overhear while she's doing her lessons. What they do teach about composition is insane and stupid. She's supposed to start a formal essay essay with a "hook," which usually ends in a question mark. So an essay on, say, compound interest is supposed to begin with something like, "do you know people can earn interest on the interest they already earn?" rather than a fucking topic sentence. That's supposed to be the second sentence. She actually got marked down for not having a hook and just starting the essay in an adult manner.
Social studies isn't any better. In fact, it's far worse. They're covering the 19th century right now. First, Washington's entire presidency was one single lesson. Then there was another lesson with 11 very long pages about Marbury vs. Madison (again, mostly an academic topic that Americans only need basic knowledge of). More recently they had four very short pages on the accomplishments of women in the 19th century. Harriet Tubman got two paragraphs.
On top of it, absolutely nothing in either class has any sort of context she can apply to her own life. Does she want to know how the checks and balances system of the U.S. federal government can affect things she cares about? Too bad, they're just going to tell you what they are and move on with maybe a brief explanation of the background rather than the ultimate results. Does she want to know how to keep paragraphs concise and not use ten words when one will do? Too bad, it's time to learn about gerunds. You know how important it is to know what a gerund is, right? College-level English term papers require you to write detailed explanations of such things what with how essential they are.
And I won't even get into the bullshit they teach her about drugs in her health class.
As an Arab-American myself, I say fuck them. They deserve all the shit that's to come their way. The dude said it loud and clear "let Bibi finish the job". I know the Democrats didn't do shit either, but at least they never said they wanted to deport everyone, which means you'll still have a fucking voice. You can protest them when they're in office. He was very clear with his stance on minorities. Some of them argued with me about "nuclear family and religion" and fucking bullshit. Dumbasses, you don't need Trump to have a nuclear family and have your religion. It just never makes sense to me.
he talks about peace, but it's obvious from the context he means the kind of peace hitler meant: the kind where everyone is dead at the end of the grand all consuming war
I can’t believe those people took Trump seriously. The same guy who literally instated a muslim ban and uses the words arab/muslim/terrorist interchangeably.
There is a decent amount of Ukrainian Americans who support independent Ukraine, but also think Trump would stop the war and be a better choice for Ukraine. Although it seems that this is somewhat less common than in the Arab American community (I could be wrong).
This is of course complete bullshit. Trump is a corrupt American oligarch with degenerate tendencies. Oligarchs protect their gangs, expand their territory and give kickbacks to partner gangs (e.g. allowing unsafe "full self driving" rules for Elmo's organization). This is not even a Trump or American thing, this is universal.
With respect to Gaza, the Israeli oligarch gangs have far more money and influence on Trump's crew. Then there is also kinship ties.
But this was a shrewd move by Trump's crew. I think some proportion of the Arab American community will become life-long supporters irrespective of what happens in Gaza (I think their concern for Gaza is a bit more nuanced than what one may think at first glance).
Did they forget the Muslim travel ban he tried to do in his first term? It was one of the first things he did in office. He has already told you who he is multiple, multiple times.
America lives its life one quarter mile at a time... Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less three month, I’m free.
When you consider the drugs and toxins we consume, it isn’t that surprising. I feel like I blocked out a lot of memories from his first term, but I still had enough left to know it was a nightmare I didn’t want to repeat.
“I just want you to think about what the alternative was,” said Abbas, referring to the current administration’s handling of Israel’s war in Gaza and its invasion of Lebanon. He added, “What did you expect from myself or many members of the community to do?”
They're always so eager to never once think critically and to always let themselves off the hook. I'm sorry, but on the brink of societal and ecological collapse, I equate those who refuse to think with those who actively destroy.
“I just want you to think about what the alternative was,” said Abbas, referring to the current administration’s handling of Israel’s war in Gaza and its invasion of Lebanon. He added, “What did you expect from myself or many members of the community to do?”
"Think of what the alternative is" is exactly what we were saying.
People are stupid. And because of that, we'll suffer an incredible amount of harm that very easily could have been avoided.
German jews who voted for Hitler got concerned soon after the elections too. Many ethnic Germans too, but all they had to do was say "ich hab es nicht gewust" afterwards. The second World War has been so well documented. Yet many still haven't learned anything from history.
If the left can organize to transform this disappointment into actual resistance, that will be worth something. Right now I think mass civil disobedience is the only thing that can really slow down the implementation of fascism, but it needs to be organized and we don't yet see anyone stepping up to organize real resistance.
I mean, I lack respect for anyone voting against their own interests. The rock you must be living under to vote for this dude with such mountains of bullshit behind him is immense. Maybe some leopard-face-eating will change things.
These aren't people who didn't vote. These are people who chose Trump over Harris. Only one of those candidates has a platform which is highly likely to negatively impact Americans who aren't white.
(And before Gaza gets brought up, it is moot: neither candidate was going to end that war).
“I never thought the Leopards would eat MY face! Even though they specifically said they would and campaigned on eating all faces, I didn’t really think that they would be so focused on eating faces, especially not mine!”
Voters in general have a memory of a goldfish. People vote on immediate concerns and issue. To be honest, if Democrats had a stronger backbone to stand up to Israel, this would not have happened.
Pretty much my attitude. A lot of us warned what would happen. Then they gave the US house , the senate, the office of the president, and by extension the Supreme Court and a number of federal judges to the republicans. Plus a number of state congressional seats to the republicans.
That's what I said and got banned. Poor bastards can't accept their stupidity. This is from the Palestine forum since they were complaining about Trump's new pick. Lol.
It's true that Steven Miller came up with the first ban. The same Steven Miller who has been announced as part of the Trump 2.0 administration. It happened before, you have to be a little crazy to think it wouldn't happen again.
Trump's plan for Ukraine is to give Putin everything he wants, and for Gaza and the West Bank it's to give Netanyahu everything he wants. That's what Trump has always meant when he says he can bring peace.
I don't wish any negative effects to all the people in Gaza and the West Bank. I do, however, wish that the people who voted for Trump have to experience the kind of pain that the people in Gaza and the West Bank will experience under Trump. All these fuckers are safe over here and won't have to endure the kind of torture that voting in Trump will bring.
They protest voted against Harris because she personally wasn't stopping a war she had no power to stop, with the only alternative being the guy who will accelerate that war. They deserve everything that comes to them while I laugh in their fucking faces (at the same time crying actual tears for the victims of their betrayal over in Gaza).
Some, with faces made of leopard food, considered the slight possibility of maybe one day starting to consider regretting enthusiastic vote for their own faces to be served as main course at leopard dinner...
I hope this topic for which numerous articles have been written won't have the knock on effect of a whole population of people being dragged and demonized in public. Certainly has that vibe to me.