Only moron and genius
Would fight a losing battle
Against the super ego
When giving in is so damn comforting
And so we go, on with our lives
We know the truth, but prefer lies
Lies are simple, simple is bliss
Why go against tradition when we can?
Admit defeat, live in decline
24 years later, I still get chills every time I listen to this song.
I first heard it at a rave, rolling on ecstacy, going through pretty bad depression. It was during their "Group Therapy" set. I felt so connected to everyone around me. So peaceful. So understood. I cared and loved everyone around me and I felt the same in return. Sure, I was high. But it was a moment a decade ago that I can still remember vividly, and a point where I started taking my mental health seriously and started to deal with it and finally start to feel good about myself.
ZSK - Antifascista we always need more, proud, dangerous, commited antifascists.
For me, this song is an example of a bold, counter rightwing-populism narrative. We need more strong and proud narratives on the left, to tell people they can feel important, powerful, accepted and part of something important - on the morally correct side of history.
I struggled with that a lot when I learned he was a born again evangelical these days, but the messages in his earlier work are still valid. There are so few metal bands with good technical sound and solid vocals. I think with him, I didn't see how his narcissism and religion tainted the earlier work.
Now Metallica, they tried the ruin the Internet and hurt a lot of good people doing it too. Fuck Metallica.
Inspiration for the song came from wrestler Chris Benoit, who murdered his wife and son before committing suicide. Insane Clown Posse broadly alluded to the murders in the song's lyrics, but the focus of the song is not the murders themselves, but of suddenly losing one's sanity, and eclipsing in violence.[3] The song pertains to the album's overall concept, which "teaches us to respect the life we've been given and do our best to avoid an early death."
This song has such an incredible vibe. It was played a lot on tour after shows. In the truck, the hotel, the bar. Wherever.
Reminds me of the good days of making music and hanging out with some of my favorite people. I'd like the whole world to feel free, loved and valid all at once. Might just make a difference.
The first time it was a tragedy,
The second time it's a farce.
Outside it's 1933,
So I am hitting the bars.
And I don't know what's going on anymore.
The world outside is burning with a brand new light,
But it isn't one that makes me feel warm.
Don't go mistaking your house burning down for the dawn.
This song aggressively reminds me of the mix of anxiety and excitement I had before moving out on my own for the first time. I came from a small town, and moved to the "big city" in my province. I had never moved anywhere before, let alone without my parents. That was 15 years ago now, but this takes me right back. It's also a banger (in my opinion).
Just to absolutely annoy people, I'd probably go with a song I find very annoying and long. Probably something like Cannon in D, one I guarantee everybody has heard, even if they don't know the name.
Jokes back on you, you said they'd feel the same emotions as the person who chose. So you would feel a song you previously loved and adored would be long and annoying. Possibly altering your feelings for the song permanently!
Bloodlip, by Matduke/Veela. I don't listen to the lyrics of songs all that much so for me the emotions are driven by the melody. Something about the chorus in this one sends shivers down my spine.
"I know that you're tired of this
Cause you're a robot
They designed your life
But true souls said you know what's right
And you can join us on the other side"
A short electronic instrumental that really isn't all that complex or terribly interesting, but holds a true wealth of emotional context for me. It feels like the awkward first steps in a relationship until something clicks, and ends with a touch of melancholy to my ear.
(Especially the 3rd verse, translated to english):
"And just because he's a worker
No class can free him but his own
The emancipation of the working class
Is the task of the worker alonе"
Those that have spent a few years on Reddit might remember them doing live shows back when they were less known. As a band, they're basically just pure pop-punk joy, and I think people could use a little joy lately.