I always try to do belt bases, as I prefer them. Gleba is damn near impossible. I tried to at the start but the spoilage and nutrients are just too much to handle for me. Bots to the rescue!
spoilage inserters should always be placed on the same belt as the last inserter that needs it. It prevents situations where the spoilage inserters still have fresh items while the machine inserter has spoilage
heating towers are better at egg disposal. You can even get some electricity back!
it's better to have centralised nutriment production for your factory block. A bioflux to nutriment biolab could easily power both sides with less wastes
I love hearing about this perspective. I 100% agree on bringing bots to every planet but found gleba to be the most belt intensive (not using the most belts but using the most belt tricks).
I think I only used bots to handle saving restart spoilage and removing eggs on factory shutdown/resuppling the initial one on startup
For shutdown I have a few circuits monitoring the inputs/outputs to check if we're getting backed up or running dry on either of the fruits. If that's the case the input belts are stopped, egg->egg duplicator inserters are disabled and the chests that hold the one egg being recirculated go into trash mode.
There is a separate unit that constantly ensures there are at least a couple eggs avaliable and "requests" (buffer chest) any excess and is surrounded by turrets.
During startup (science below limit and ingedients on input belts) the spoilage->nutrient inserter is enabled which priority feeds just the first three chambers that make flux. Once any flux has been made (>0 flux on the belt || flux->nutrient machine working) the spoilage inserter stops. That's enough for the flux->nutrient machine to start and the whole system becomes self sustaining.
As part of startup a requester chest requests 1 egg, the rest of the egg duplicators are setup in such a way that they propagate down the line (a direct inserter between them is enabled if the recirculating chest for the next chamber is empty and the egg->sci inserter gets disabled). Once there are eggs in the recirculating chests the startup is considered complete and the requester chests turn off.
There's also a chest that pulls from the main nutrient line to make sure there's always loads of spoilage ready for a restart.