ahh it's such a funny thing to be able to say "the drugs told me to stop doing drugs".
my first lsd trip told me to love myself more; quite literally too, i was just about to fall into ego death and i saw a second myself in the dark void of mind who faced me and said "love yourself more". One hell of a first trip ngl
goodness how much better the world would be if shakes fist the US government! didn't stop psychedelics research, we could have proper psychedelics assisted therapy by now. An LSD trip on its own already feels like doing 6 months of normal therapy but in the span of 8 hours, and when you intentionally therapise yourself during it? Make that a year of therapy in 8 hours. Imagine what we could achieve if there was a trained professional there to assist you.
If you wanna go hard, shrooms, acid, mdma, ketamine are the ones you want.
Take them seriously, they're powerful. Be in a relatively good headspace, have someone you trust with your life to watch over you the whole time. I don't know if you need a sitter for mdma.
Don't try to control what happens. Shrooms and acid specifically are like one giant alien rollercoaster teaching you the lesson, "when you try to be in control, life is hell, when you go along for the ride, it's bliss". They do that by making it hell the second you attempt to exert your will on the trip, and sending you into bliss when you go with it.
Yeah I would think that many people on this site are not in the right headspace for psychedelics at the moment. For... Reasons. Set and setting are crucial.
Ketamine on the other hand... Perfect mind set to do a line and enter the hole, and leave your worries behind for an hour or so.
One thing to mention about Ketamine, that you shouldn't use it to often, because its really fucking bad for your bladder. Isn't usually that much of a problem if you only use it very rarely.
Someone told me I should try this for quitting other drugs that are a problem for me right now. I have psychedelic experience but never broken through on DMT or ever tried 5-meo-dmt. I think it might be too intense but there is a guide available. Anyone have experience with this?