Good afternoon! I am tteckster's wife. I don't have a clue if anyone will even see this because I'm not the computer savvy person that my husband was, but I wanted to try. I know that he posted an ...
After he notified the community that he is in hospice care a few weeks ago, his wife has now notified the community that TTeck, the founder of the Proxmox Helper Scripts, has sadly passed away.
The project has been transferred to the community earlier so the Proxmox Helper Scripts as TTeck's legacy will live on.
Only a few people have contributed so much to Open Source as his scripts were a gateway for a lot of people who then ventured into self hosting an then onwards into an IT career.
This was ONE GUY??? What a legend! I hope his family knows the giant positive impact he's had on so many people, and is able to find some sort of comfort knowing he will be missed by so many strangers. A true tragedy.
RIP from England. Those scripts helped me through some tough times when first trying proxmox, I remember being so happy to find them. I wouldn't have stayed on proxmox without them
I wonder if there's a place, that people could be memorialized, their contributions attributed. People can pass by, and leave a token of remembrance. Like a dev graveyard. Sounds like a great idea to me