Roofer was meant to turn up at 9AM to sort out an issue I'm having when it rains (seems like part of the gutter is blocked and it causes water to fall out).
Need to go shopping in the city. The last thing I want to do today. Would much rather go to the beach although the easiest one for us to get to (via train) is Bournemouth and last time we went there it left a lot to be desired. So the plan is to get the shopping out of the way as early as possible and then consume a lot of gin…maybe the shopping will be easier if I start the gin beforehand! Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Clearing out my overgrown garden. Multiple trips to the tip in my tiny car. I just want to sit and play the new F1 game but if I do that the plants will take over.
I'm trying to decide what to do at the moment. I was considering the beach, or possibly a bit of geocaching. I feel like I have been stuck in the house/office all week so it will be good to get out for some fresh air.
I used to go out every weekend and find them, that was about 15 years ago. I haven't done one in ages, but I feel I am at a point in life where I am refocusing my hobbies again so GC might make a reoccurrence.