Former President Trump shocked and appalled some Republican lawmakers on Wednesday by announcing plans to nominate Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) for attorney general.
Why it matters: Republican reaction to even Trump's most controversial nominations has been muted so far, but placing the scandal-prone right-winger in the nation's highest law enforcement role is a step too far for many.
"We wanted him out of the House ... this isn't what we were thinking," quipped one House Republican, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak frankly about Trump's decision.
What we're hearing: Trump's announcement was met with audible gasps by House Republicans during a conference meeting on Wednesday afternoon, multiple sources in the room told Axios.
One House Republican in the meeting described the conference's response as "stunned and disgusted."
What they're saying: "Gaetz has a better shot at having dinner with Queen Elizabeth II than being confirmed by the senate," said Rep. Max Miller (R-Ohio), referring to the British monarch who died in 2022.
Rep. John Duarte (R-Calif.), noting that Gaetz is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, said he would be "a compromised AG" and that "there are better choices."
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said she was "shocked" by the pick: "This shows why the advice and consent process is so important and I'm sure that there will be a lot of questions raised at his hearing."
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) said Gaetz has "got his work really cut out for him" to get confirmed.
Yeah yeah I'm sure they will do all sorts of gasping and then confirm him anyway. Despite what they say the lot of them are just Trump sycophants at this point.
You've seen how many people have railed against Trump only to turn right back around and toss his salad. Trump has dirt on these people, like mutually assured destruction level dirt.
Call your Senators, give them your name, zip code, and briefly tell them you oppose these noms. It DOES make a difference! Democracy doesn't stop at the ballot box, it has to be fought for
I'm pretty over believing stories about Republicans showing regret about Trump and his picks/actions.
I'm 100% this is liberal media copium. Republicans love his ass and every asshole he hires
On the other hand I can see republican politicians pretending to be stunned in order to say one thing and do another. They get to pretend they don't like it for the political game and then actually support it.
Where and when? The 17-yo he supposedly paid for sex, and flew across state lines, opened an OnlyFans site and refused to testify. As if the prosecutors wanted her testifying. His scumbag buddy that went down on federal charges, and was expected to rat him out, didn't.
Sorry, he got away free and clear. The ethics committee might have nailed him, but we can forget that plan is now stillborn.
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) said Gaetz has “got his work really cut out for him” to get confirmed.
Trump has already demanded that the Senate go into immediate recess so he can avoid the confirmation process altogether and just appoint them through recess appointments.
It will go the exact same way it did during Trump's first term: Trump will send out a mean tweet and any dissenters will fall in line. Worked 100% of the time last time.
They are going to be so shocked, stunned, and disgusted that they're going to march right into the Senate chamber and vote the way he fucking told them to vote, but with a really big frowny face. I mean, it's the strongest message that the United States Congress could possibly send to him. What else are they supposed to do? Vote......against...... him? Criticize him......publicly? He might send out a mean tweet on both Twitter and Trump Social. These are politicians we're talking about here! With cushy jobs and six figure salaries and staff people who have staff people. They can't handle two mean tweets in one day!
If they dare to challenge him Trump will sic his army of sycophantic lunatics on them and they'll fold. It's cute that these moronic GOP senators think they get a choice in this.
It's only been a week since he was elected. Dude's not even in office yet and there's already shock and scandal coming from his own party. This is going to be a very long four years...
I've been saying what will keep me alive the next four years is reminding Trump voters they are getting what they voted for every time they start to complain.
But, four years of even Republicans having to fight tooth and nail against his insanity would be even better.
The last time, when he was approaching 100 days in office, someone said that it felt like we were living in dog years. It's true, this week has been incredibly long and it won't get better.
I'm so tired. I can't handle another four years of journalism covering the most recent crazy thing he did or proposed every hour. Just a firehose of sneaky, selfish plans and actions.
Every one of them will fall in line when they remember Trump's daughter in-law runs the RNC and their reelection funds are now contingent on obedience.
His biggest qualification is he has potential criminal cases he needs gone, just like trump does. Their interests are perfectly aligned. Gaetz will erase all traces of trump’s crimes and evidence without needing to be asked, right after he does the same for himself.
Thune (just chosen as the new Senate majority leader) has already agreed to recess the Senate so that Trump could appoint whoever he wants without going through the confirmation process by using the recess appointment process.
Yep. Add that to Trump's plan to fire all the military generals who won't swear loyalty to him and surprise! Fascism. (Well I guess it's not really a surprise.)
See, there's plenty of time before they actually have to cast a vote. So I'm sure that means Trump will send some mean tweets out about them. And then they'll make the pligrimage down to Mar-a-Lago, bend the knee, say 3 Hail Donalds as penance and promise to insult a brown person on their way out before returning to Washington, DC and voting to confirm him.
They're not going to cast votes. This will all be done with recess appointments, and all of these "concerned" senators will "express their concerns" with the exploitation of the recess appointment process and lament that there was nothing they could do about it.
They had really hoped that Mr. Trump would cooperate with the advice and consent process, but what can they do if he pursues the recess route? It really is too bad and all of that.
You know, it's kind of weird to me that there are republicans stating he won't be confirmed, which, also has me wondering, does that mean he does not have a senate full of Yes men?
Trump isn't going to like that, so I assume they will change their mind after a little private one on one meeting with him.
No, what we sat through was the pre-show with puppets and clowns. Next up is the twisted, gore-filled main event. They’ve been beating the elephants and starving the lions. There will be carnage.