Matrix messaging apps. It's nice to have modern messaging features, end-to-end encrypted, with no single point of failure, no Google involvement, and no phone numbers. I expect to start recommending it widely when the 2.0 features land in the popular clients.
WireGuard VPN. It's fast, even on low-power devices.
Self-hosted Mumble. Excellent low-latency voice quality for chatting or gaming with friends.
Radicale, DAVx⁵, and Thunderbird, for calendar and contact sync between mobile and desktop, without handing the data over to Google or anyone else.
However I want to give FreeTube some love. Out of all the YT frontends, FreeTube has never failed me and always been a treat to use. I've used it on both Linux and Windows, and the experience is always reliable.
By far my all-time favorite app - Freetube. Used to be KDE Connect for transferring files between devices, and still is an useful app. But man Freetube is amazing
I'm the same here as I too use the Fediverse and LibreWolf, but we shouldn't kid ourselves about the former: by the very nature of how the Fediverse works, it is honestly pretty damn terrible for the purposes of privacy. Unless I'm missing something, which mind you is certainly a possibility.
I think the fediverse does have a privacy problem, however as long as your account can’t be linked to you (malicious instance, your email being breached) it doesn’t matter all that much (at least for my threat level) because the info is confined to the fediverse, where little can be done with it, especially if you swap instances/accounts commonly. Yes, one could create a profile on you based on what you upvote/downvote, but they can’t for example use that to serve targeted ads, because the fediverse doesn’t have a ad network and when visiting other sites they can’t associate your profile with you (assuming you don’t reuse your username), unless I am forgetting something.
tldr: The fediverse isn’t private, but the data is practically useless
MullvadVPN, and a free and privacy respecting OS is another good idea.
So is using privacy respecting apps: LibreOffice instead of MS Office, Codium instead of VSCode. And so on, with many FLOSS alternatives to the usual proprietary ones.
Services also matter, imho: I'm using ProtonMail for my email (Tuta would be another clever choice, imho, and there are probably others). I've very recently switched from iCloud to for my cloud storage needs.
Using one's phone as little as possible. I've almost nothing on mine, I mean only stuff I'm required to have (banking and IDs, stuff like that), no email, no social, not even music or games (the game I enjoy the most play I also I enjoy it the most when I play it offline: chess ;))
And then... I also started using analog tools much more in the last two years. This helps a lot maintaining one's privacy. Amazon can't track my reading habits when I read a printed book (even less if I do not buy it from them), Goofle cant'" track my writings when I use pen and paper instead of their apps, Apple (or Google or Microsoft) can't track my paper agenda or my paper notebook. And the NSA or whomever is playing that role in my country can't ask any corporation to install backdoors in my IRL encounters with people so they could spy on me. At least, they cannot do that for now ;)
Openwrt on my flint 2
With adgaurd/pihole
I know its not technically an app, but lots of people forget there routers exist and are a very big security hole
You would not believe what my samsung tv pings
Tiktok (somehow came preinstalled)
Hulu(we dont have a hulu account)
Tubi(we dont use tubi)
Amazon(it seems to be for samsung tv plus)
I ended up blocking everything except amazon, samsung tv, and netflix on the dns level
Its also really good for stopping non power users (aka family member's) from getting malware/phished
Tubular (NewPipe + Sponsorblock), Fedora, Mastodon through Tusky, Lemmy through Eternity. Still waiting for LineageOS image for my phone (SM-A536B) tho.
Omg I just started doing the same thing, and I also love it. Really enjoying using Plexamp, it's one of the best apps I've used in a long time, and it might be the best music app I've used.
Pi-Hole for home Wifi, Guest Wifi for IoT devices. For Desktop PC I use Linux, hardened Firefox, uBlock Origin extension. For the Phone I use NextDNS, work Profile for IoT apps, and F-Droid for some apps.
I use open-source applications that don't require internet access for tasks that can be done perfectly offline, which is great not just for privacy but for many other reasons as well.
Too bad it's chromium based, but works a whole lot smoother and snappier than Firefox based browsers, oh and safer as well.... So for the time being, Cromite it is.
Librewolf on desktop Linux is my weapon of choise.
I really wanted it to work on but I couldn’t get it to. I’d also like to get the Tailscale software Dockerized but running multiple nodes on the same host with custom DNS was a complete shitshow.
I really love Tailscale, but the daemon and CLI seem to be absolute garbage.