Hey, in an attempt to foster more discussion and to try and get this community growing, I am writing a discussion post to get ideas out. (While these conversations have happened elsewhere, we haven’t had them on Lemmy yet!)
As such what is your favorite DnD class? If possible, share any reasons why, and cool stories that help highlight your point.
Also as an added bonus I personally would love to hear about your favorite homebrew class. So if you got one feel free to share as well.
Even though they can be a bit one dimensional, I love playing a barbarian. The ridiculous stuff you can get away with with a high strength is just too silly to pass up.
I'm a big fan of sorcerers; it gives me a nice balance of having fun spells to use while not having to manage which ones I've "prepared." My first character was a half elf draconic bloodline sorcerer, and I had a ton of fun playing him.
I've played maybe a dozen characters, but the one I always want to go back to is my DND4 runepriest. I'm not sure why, I don't think DND4 is particularly good, but that class just felt so fun for me
I don't know how you or your table feels about third party stuff but Indestructoboy has a a Runekeeper for 5e that is heavily influenced by the 4e one (I've never played 4e so I can't verify this myself.) It looks very awesome and you might like it. It is not free but you can download a preview of the whole thing for free from the dmsguild site (so basically free).
That looks awesome for sure! We were thinking about starting a fresh 5e campaign so I'm gonna look into this some more and maybe make one, thanks for posting this
I first played a druid in World of Warcraft, and the druids in DND are even better. I try to shake things up a bit by making clerics or themed druids (spore is a fun one).
Just started playing as a semi homebrew druid Golden Retriever that can "tame shape" into a human and has "speak with people" "lay hands" is now "pet me" and there's also "healing bark'