Welcome to the weekly discussion thread. Make yourself at home and tell us what is happening around you, what is on your mind or whatever you want to talk about.
My apologies to the GenZedong people for interrupting a democratic proces when it comes to the making of the weekly General Discussion post. I was not aware of the system behind the post making and I created one on my own initiative. I shall repent.
This picture is of girls in the Popular Front in Palestine, specifically Gaza, where the anniversary of the founding of the Popular Front Party is held every year in Palestine. This picture is from Gaza specifically in a football stadium called Palestine Home Stadium.Near this place.
I went bouldering today. One of my coworkers invited me to come to his local place and I figured it would be a nice change from my regular gym routine.
It was a super leftie gym. Lots of antifa stickers, pride flags, vegan food and whatnot. I expressed my desire to find leftist gym buddies here before and I think I have found just the place to get some organizing started.
I made a post some days ago about getting suspended on Instagram for insulting a nazi. Yesterday I reported a post on a hooligan fights page in which a guy was sieg heiling and had an SS tattoo. I got a message from Instagram saying that it doesn't break Instagram's policy.
I spend my weekend in the Ardennes part of the country, which has to be one of the most beautiful fall places in the world. Endless hills with brown colored trees on them, cute villages with stone houses, friendly people. I went there with my gf's family and I spend the weekend chopping up wood, lighting the fireplace, hiking and having fun with the family. It once again confirmed my desire to fuck off to a more secluded area and live in contact with nature and solitude. Until then I have to find my way in the city and spread communism I guess.
Our party send a volunteer brigade to Valencia to help with the fallout of the flood. My comrades keep sending me surreal pictures of completely wrecked streets, piled up cars, people's entire furniture collection spilled out onto the streets. It's complete chaos it seems.
Nature is healing, scientifically, and too much time on social media can be harrowing. Frankly, ML is not meant to live on the Internet but in activism and organized actions.
Anyway, regardless, it's also true that a lot of stuff happens in the real world that "people on the Internet" don't know about. And vice versa with those that barely use social media in regard to social media itself. Such as, I wager, the people in the Ardennes at the place you were at seeming to be at peace with their community and surrounding, never mind the foliage and nature of it all.
Eh, just saying. We need the real world. Real world doesn't troll !e or even dogpile me or get into flame wars with me and my own.
Belgian media tried to make a shitstorm about my city's jewish population after what happened in Amsterdam. Antwerp has a very large orthodox jewish population and they live pretty secluded within one of the city's districts.
News reports came out about possible threats to their community which is strange because apart from very singular incidents none of the pro palestinian movement ever targeted them (obviously).
The community now came forward to the press themselves saying that apart from some calls on the street they are doing great actually and that this city is the place to be for them lmao.
If its anything for you there like my city than the Hasidic/Orthodox Jewish people are probably some of the strongest voices in the community speaking out against genocide in Palestine. Ridiculous propaganda angle to go for, anyone actually involved in street level community would know its bullshit.
By the way there is an extraordinary falafel place in that district, on the main street, but I have trouble remembering what he thought about Israel and Zionism. This was a few years ago
I'm really enjoying "Class struggle" by domenico losurdo, i've been slacking on theory recently reading a minuscule amount of pages per day but ive enjoyed this one a lot.
The global capitalist system is not based in a single oppressive relation, but in a myriad of them and very often contradictory. An american worker, member of an oppresed class, can view with indiference the subjugation of global south countries and sometimes even support it and effectively side with the oppresors. mexican workers, doubly oppresed by being members of an exploited class and exploited nation, can be the "bourgeoisie" in the family by oppresing women to domestic slavery. And this woman, triply opressed nationally, in work and in house, can also take part in the "exploitation of children by their parents". Its a myriad of contradictory relationships that a binary view of things like class reductionism can not explain. We have to surpass the binary view of social struggle.
ngl, im feeling very depressed from work and family issues. The genocide in Gaza, Sudan and Congo also makes me feel more depressed and nihilistic. Some Revolutionary Optimism would go hard rn. (P.S is that image from the PFLP in Palestine? that's fire)
The violence against Maccabi fans in Amsterdam last week seems to have been a perfect event for the right wing government to restrict demonstration rights and to shift the narrative to the even more pro Israel side
Even people with blank banners with nothing on them are being arrested. Remember when the same thing happened in Russia and the west called Russia a dictatorship for it?
Was looking into options here in my city in Canada recently to take a Manadarin class. Specifically I was looking for beginner courses aimed specifically at english speakers, and was surprised at how limited the options were. Then I remembered that several years ago the government went on a racist tirade where they shut down most of the Confucius Institutes in the country for frivolous (racist) reasons. Very disappointing as most of the current options seem to be more aimed at Chinese diaspora who have a background from home but need to practice. I tried before a Mandarin class that was more similar to this when I used to be in uni and struggled heavily as one of the only non ethnic Chinese people in the course. From what I recall the Confucius Institute used to offer classes geared towards adult anglos similar to the way Alliance Française does, but now that option just seems to be gone. Truly this country sucks.
Used a sick day to get out of work. I do not have the energy to put up with the holiday rush lol. I don't know what the plan is for the rest of the day now, maybe read some more? I started The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People's History of Ancient Rome on my way home last night, so maybe I'll get comfy and read the next chapter of that. I've been meaning to watch Nosferatu as well, so maybe it's time for that. I don't really know anything about the movie other than the fact that it's an old vampire movie, so hopefully it'll be interesting.
Do you all prefer to go into media blind, or do you prefer to know what you are getting into? Personally, I like going in knowing as little as possible, but for movies/shows I sometimes end up learning a lot before watching anyways, because I like to watch with my wife if she's interested, but she can't watch really violent stuff and unfortunately there is a lot of that out there.
I haven't seen Nosferatu, but if I were to plan on seeing it I would do a little research on the historical context and phase that cinema was at when it came out. It helps to appreciate the film and see it in the lens of its time vs the bias I might have from film having evolved and grown from that period. Spoiler free as possible!
If I could get away with watching without knowing even the title, I would. With books, it's slightly different. I like to know the genre and the overall thrust. But no spoilers. It'll literally spoil the whole thing for me. And what other people count as 'not a spoiler' is often very, very misjudged.
And what other people count as ‘not a spoiler’ is often very, very misjudged.
I feel this, my friend tends to tell me about stuff they like that I haven't seen/read/played/etc. and is very relaxed about what they consider spoilers. Thankfully our tastes don't overlap much so it's usually not a problem, but occasionally they'll start talking about something I'm interested in and I have to be like, wait please don't lol. I always feel a little bad for it because I'm glad they want to share their interests with me, but I'm so picky about spoilers and if I don't stop them then they will say something I don't want to hear...
Can someone add some context to the positive Milei news we are seeing? Apparently the monthly inflation in Argentina is down to 2.5% (annual inflation still 198%) and libertarians are falling over themselves to say he saved the world.
There's this famous Dutch Instagram page called cestmocro who posts a lot of pro Palestina stuff (among other non political stuff) and the government is seriously considering banning the account. If this would happen in Russia, China, DPRK, whatever we'd scream bloody murder.
As expected my motivation to organize is back after a year of election stuff. Got to a meeting with my local group and I'm excited for our new plans. Guess vouching for electoralism just isn't my thing (what a surprise).
I forgot he existed. IIRC he was one of the first masculine weirdo's from the start of instagram. Won some money with poker or something like that and started posting pictures with lots of naked women, booze, luxury stuff, expensive hotels, mansions, cars and whatnot. Though I don't recall him talking about things like Tate does for example.
Still a massive shithead though. Had his big thing like 9 or 10 years ago.
Wild, I just looked him up again. First two posts are really anti Israel lol. But in a weird 'America first' kinda way. He also apparently joined Tate's entourage (or the other way around). Once a shithead always a shithead I guess.
Yeah, I remember back in highschool one of my classmate was all about him, even recreating his then iconic black and white profile picture and had it as his for years to come. It was a big disappointment for me, because up until then I looked up to him because of his grades and shit, he won student competitions all over the country, but I guess he had no time remaining to discover how to be a decent human being. Whatever bro, whatever floats your boat. I have no clue what he is up to nowadays.
As far the war in Ukraine goes, now we wait. Either Zelensky starts shooting off missiles or NATO comes to their senses and says "What the fuck are we doing". Either way Putin has all the reason he needs to expand the war, and no one wants that.