it's Friday night, what's everyone doing this weekend?
Mine is going to be laid back if all goes according to plan. I'm going to do some birding with a friend tomorrow morning, then I'm headed to a used bookstore to buy a copy of "the pricess bride" that I talked myself out of the other day (I've never read it). Then I'm hitting the farmers market and then relaxing at home for the foreseeable future. Enjoy your weekend!
Eh, MRI's aren't bad. Just lay in a tube for 45 minutes while giant magnets whir around and take images of the brain / body.
The prolactinoma is benign, but screws with hormones a lot. Prolactin being the inverse of dopamine and testosterone explains a lot about the last several years, so glad to be getting back to normal. Thankfully, the excess prolactin has never caused me to lactate either, which is a common symptom of high prolactin.
Thankfully got to spice up the weekend with a guys' night, so that was fun.