it's Friday night, what's everyone doing this weekend?
Mine is going to be laid back if all goes according to plan. I'm going to do some birding with a friend tomorrow morning, then I'm headed to a used bookstore to buy a copy of "the pricess bride" that I talked myself out of the other day (I've never read it). Then I'm hitting the farmers market and then relaxing at home for the foreseeable future. Enjoy your weekend!
Oh, don't get me started talking about lifting! You'll never get me to shut up. :-)
It's a way to describe the "split" that a person does at the gym. I do the so-called PPL ("push, pull, legs"), split, meaning that on some workouts I'm focusing on the muscles that generally push things away from you (like the muscles of the chest, the shoulders, and the triceps), and on others, I train the "pulling" muscles (the lats, traps, and biceps). Then of course there's leg day!
All it is is a shorthand to structure your workouts so that you don't fatigue the same muscle on subsequent days. Hope that helps!
I hate anecdotes so I’ll make this quick: grew up fat, weighed 315 at age 19, got to 165 by 23, maintained ~190 until covid.
It’s not the work, it’s the lack of motivation. But I think I’m close again to finding it. He says, as he’s sipping a drink that’s literally 50% vodka. Ugh.
Celebrating my anniversary! Going to go do some fun boat stuff on the water. Have a nice dinner afterwards. Also planning a murder mystery birthday party for next weekend.
My husband and I have decided to start our own book club this weekend. We are nerds and both enjoy reading but he has limited time and I have limited patience with it because I had a stroke a few years ago and it's not as easy as it used to be for me. We're starting with short stories and we'll just read one at a time ad discuss when we're done. I'm hoping it will improve my skills over time and I know we'll enjoy the extra bonding. We're reading A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms by George R R Martin. He's read all of the ASOIAF books and I've not read any of them. We've both watched both of the related TV shows.
That’s really cool. Tried to do something similar with my partner, but we didn’t end up sticking with it. We tend to have different reading habits. I like to read one book at a time and he always has a few he’s actively working through. The timing was just always off.
I was a voracious reader for most of my life and it never occurred to me to read more than one at a time. was thinking of some other options earlier tonight for if'm into it this weekend and I finish the first story long before my husband. He has to work tomorrow and I do not. I have some options.
If I can give you an advice: don't stop trying to get used to kbin.
For me, at the beginning it felt a little complex and hard to find what I wanted, but after some days it started to feel like home and everything now makes sense (except for the upvote button that don't really upvote a post)!
Eh, MRI's aren't bad. Just lay in a tube for 45 minutes while giant magnets whir around and take images of the brain / body.
The prolactinoma is benign, but screws with hormones a lot. Prolactin being the inverse of dopamine and testosterone explains a lot about the last several years, so glad to be getting back to normal. Thankfully, the excess prolactin has never caused me to lactate either, which is a common symptom of high prolactin.
Thankfully got to spice up the weekend with a guys' night, so that was fun.
Probably hitting up some stores with the wife tomorrow. We looked at paints last weekend for the house and found them to be a bit dark, so we’re going a little lighter! May wash that down with some Korean BBQ and then probably spin up some characters on Diablo 4 with the wife too. Guild Wars 2 has had my attention lately too, so I may farm achievements on that
It's kinda funny to me, that the day you described sounds like an amazing day to me, mostly because my 3 year old and 10 year old boys are still turning every day into chaos lol
I'm taking notes for when they are out of the house though and it's just me and my wife finally!
The Princess Bride is as wonderful a book as it is a movie! You're gonna love it 😊
I'm gonna be cleaning my apartment because we're finally getting a couch!! And I need to get the place in order so it's easy to maneuver it in. We've lived in our place for a few months already but still in box city... so it's nice to have something to force me to unpack and make it look presentable.
I really got the feeling when I read about this, that this is going to be a major turning point in this conflict, I just don't know what that outcome will be unfortunately. I hope it's things getting better rather than worse :/
I'm getting off a medication that give me extra panic and anxiety so I'm taking as much anxiety medication I can and sleeping it out of my system hopefully! Fingers crossed!!
I've been there too, remember that even if you didn't have the medication to sleep through the weekend, YOU WOULD STILL SURVIVE.
Of course there can be a difference between a horrible experience and just a bad one, but sometimes the little phrases we can repeat to ourselves in our head can go a long way to providing peace and calmness.
I hope this doesn't read like it's easy to handle this stuff, it's not, but hopefully you will find the strength when you need it!
Thanks! Yeah, I just meant it figuratively. We walked to the church bazaar and she's been gardening and trimming roses here and at her mom's. We have an almost 3 year old so even sedentary time is very active.
Planting grapes and irises, then going to the local Italian restaurant for dinner.
Tomorrow, picking up hay for the donkeys.
Playing Valheim between all that. 😆
We will be doing stuff around the house. One kids has a birthday party in the afternoon. Start meal planning for next week so we can do our big shop on Sunday.
It's my birthday on Sunday but due to my previous landlord fucking me over I am very broke this paycheck so no real plans other than stay home and be with my wife.
I will be continuing to learn UE5, catch up on some work, and hopefully feel better. Had to go to urgent care today for a appendicitis scare. X-Rays looked good so I just got steroids.
Racing a sailboat from San Francisco to Half Moon Bay, spending the night there and motoring back on Sunday. We've been doing well in the ocean races so far this year, so I'm hoping for a good result tomorrow.
Enjoy the book! I've not read it yet either, though I plan to some day. :)
Visiting my Dad in Toronto. Seeing the sights with my family for the first time. Just wrapping it all up and loving the overall pride vibe. Happy Pride to everyone! Spread love... I'm sending it right now!
If it helps there are some interesting papers on the idea that motivation comes from seeing the results of your own actions, and not before.
So that means you are supposed to feel this lack of motivation, and once you start writing and the feedback loop kicks in, the motivation will come on its own.
Saturday afternoon where I am. But last night I went out for dinner and drinks with a few friends, tonight I have a 30th birthday party to attend, and tomorrow I'm playing dungeons and dragons
Recovering from work this week. Getting ready to fly cross-country. Probably going to have to spend the next day running errands and going shopping before starting it all over again on Monday.
I'm finally getting a quiet weekend where I don't have to go anywhere. I plan on finishing this week's to-do list, and then Saturday night a friend and I are having our weekly anime night. We're watching Demon Slayer. Then Sunday I want to watch The Amazing Mr. X from 1948.
Picked up FF16 so I'll be playing through that, hanging out at the [small] local coffee shop we do every Saturday and celebrating one of the patron's birthday's, and doing a final walkthrough on a house we just closed on. Exciting things!
I want FF16 so bad! Unfortunately the other day someone tried to use my bank info to buy some stuff. The bank caught it, but that means they had to cancel my debit card. So now I have to wait till my new card comes in.
Trying to figure out how to stain the maple cabinets I built. It's been harder than anticipated... But progress is progress. One step at a time and all that.
Our weather has been all over the place, so If it cools off probably a long bike ride with my wife. It it gets hot again then hopefully planting our butts in one of the glacial runoff rivers to stay cool.
I'm currently rejoicing over the fact that I finally solved my issue with the computer speakers playing, along with taking a good rest from my graduation!
Well, for me the weekend is the start of my (very weird) weekly work schedule so my weekend is pretty much just ending.
However, thanks to a recommendation at the Star Trek community I picked up one of the Star Trek books for my Kindle since they're on sale so I'll definitely be reading that!
Additionally, I updated my Minecraft server to 1.20.1 and nuked the world since I hadn't really progressed at all (the TL;DR of that situation is that I've been "working" on that server since 2021 - it was intended to be a new public server that my ex and I were going to create, but I just haven't had a lot of time or motivation to do so after we split up) so I'll probably be giving that a go!
I finally got a refill for an important medication I'm on, it was three weeks late and has been stressing me out so I'm relieved over that. There are plenty of other stressors going on as of lately, but that was a pretty big one.
Other than that, for better or for worse I'll just be going wherever the days take me!
There’s an art festival I’m planning to go to tomorrow. It’s horror, occult, and oddities type of stuff, so it should be fun. Then maybe hanging out with a friend visiting from out of town.
Get high. Drink vodka. Watch The Office. Laugh uncontrollably. In no particular order, and all with my amazing wife. That's just tonight tho. Tomorrow we have to clean the house. I'll be high for that too because cleaning sucks.
Three hours of community radio broadcasting from home, then maybe finish cleaning the caravan, put some washing on while the sun is hitting the solar panels, maybe a trip to bunnings to get some root killer for the sewer, and drop a dead dishwasher to the recycling place.
I’ve had a very tiring past 3 weeks so I’m taking it easy this weekend. So far today I’ve done my first decent calisthenics workout in a long time, and geeked around some with my Emacs org mode GTD setup.
Two TTRPG sessions (Dungeons & Dragons in person, Call of Cthulhu online), going swimming at the public pool, working some more on my translations of German folk tales.
going out for brunch and nails with a friend tomorrow so doing various errands today before my partner and i veg out on the couch to some edibles (for him, i’m not allowed rn bc of health stuff unfortunately) and a movie. should be nice!
might go to the gym tomorrow, but honestly hoping i don't unless i feel significantly better. past 2.5 weeks have been rough on my mind and body; feeling super scarily depressed and drained and exhausted, had a massive breakdown this morning. just hoping i can relax as much as possible and be gentle with myself. i know some may say the gym is good for mental health and all that, but for me it can be draining, especially if i'm already feeling low. and with my current level of dysregulation, i might feel more socially anxious/paranoid. if i do feel well enough, though, it'll be good to get back on track with that.
if any linux users would like to try and make me feel better - whyyyyyyyyyyy won't debian 12 boot, grub keeps whining about like 14 failed sectors????? but my ssd should be okay, it's only a year old and macos (mid-2012 macbook pro) is running fine on the other partition???????? i keep reinstalling linux and it just does not care, i tried update-grub and it does not caaaarrreeeeeeeeee
Rough times come and rough times go. Sometimes it seems all times are rough and in hindsight, some weren't. Sometimes, everything sucks in hindsight.
Go to the gym every time you are able and congratulate yourself for pulling it off. Don't go when you are not able and congratulate yourself for being good to you. It's not always easy, but if both outcomes can eventually feel like a win, then you get some wins in the list, make sense?
DM'd my 2nd ever Dungeons and Dragons game online with Foundry Friday night, then Saturday is some cleaning and fixing my back porch followed by some beer and Mexican food for dinner, and probably a nighttime Pokemon go walk.
Self-hosting projects! Excited to dig more into docker and portainer. Today was a database, knowledgebase, and dashboard. Tomorrow who the fuck knows but I'm psyched.
I'm on annual leave all next week so I have a very long weekend!
I'm planning to stay up late playing Railway Empire 2, lie in when I can, go for walks along the seafront when it isn't too hot, and spend the rest of the time hiding from the sun playing DRG with my wife
I built a desktop for VR, just received my Index in the mail, and have spent the last 3 days desperately trying to install Windows.
Nothing I’ve tried has worked and my computer confidence is shattered lol. I may get high and try again. Maybe my wife helps. She’s great at being calm.
Happy to get any input from anyone on this so I do appreciate the offer :)
I have 2 nvme drives that are completely empty and have been formatted and drive partitions deleted several times.
Every time I install windows from a usb key, the installation goes without a hitch up until the installation restart. Then, my motherboard gives me the error: B1InitializeLibrary failed 0xc00000bb.
All the advice online that I can find involves trying to repair the installation using bootrec.exe and fixing mbr and rebuilding bcd. I get weird errors that differ every time when I do this.
The most painful part of this all is that the very first time I installed windows, it all worked perfectly. I fucked it all up when I decided to install Fedora Linux on the second drive. It messed up booting and everything since.
I can install Fedora Linux on any of these two nvme drives and boot to them perfectly without any issues which means this is not a hardware issue. Blaaaahhh. I just wanna use my new Index 😭
Cleaning ☠️
Both my tabletop games have been cancelled, and what with work lately, a backlog has started to pile up.
Sleeping if I can help it, but lately I can't nap for fuck and I wake up at (at the latest) 9. Not so bad normally but weekends are the only time I can hang out with my night shift friend who wakes up at like 6 PM. He's a bit depressed lately and I don't want to leave him hanging, so I've been working out how to be well slept and still give him some time of day.
Unfortunately I work on the weekends. I got Mon and Tues off. My boyfriend also works the night shift on Thur, Fri, and Sat night.
But tomorrow night I'll probably take my dog for a walk, and when I get back have a beer or two and mod my PS3. Been thinking about it for awhile. Started busting out my PS2 and was thinking about updating it since I modded it awhile ago, then realized I never got around to doing the PS3. Unfortunately I eventually need to get an external hdd for the games, so it's just gonna be the basics of modding it.