I mean, the one about the Antichrist fooling Christians fits so well that I'd probably believe it's actually happening if I believed in their bronze age fairy tales to begin with..
There's an entire website dedicated to relating each passage in the bible about the antichrist to trump. I don't remember what the site was, but a quick google search should get the result.
That is eerily similar. But then again, stuff like this probably also happened 2000 years ago. Just start doomprepping if people start wearing black and take up horseriding!
See, god has total control, knows everything and is the ultimate good. Sounds like something that can't be true when the world is the way it is? Well, someone very clever has found the perfect solution that explains everything: God must be extremely stupid.
I grew up in an evangelical community, and Trump fits the exact definition and description of the anti Christ that we were given, even down to his ability to fool Christians into following him.
Who knew the prophecy of the apocalypse was self fulfilling
I will never understand Christians, we could have heaven on earth if we fucking built it, but they would rather destroy the world because of their fairy tale book
I believe Trump, Putin, Xi and Netanyahu are the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. So I do believe a prophecy is being fulfilled, although not one worth celebrating.
Seeing as the Jesus of the Bible was absolutely a far-left liberal commie bastard by their standards, I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they're the only ones not raptured at the end.
Indeed, a prophecy fulfilled--Maelstrom. An soon-to-be hypercane, and extinction event. It will eliminate most, if not all life on Earth, due to climate change inaction. Or, abortions. It depends on whether you're a failed one or not.
My congratulations, America. Bask in your victory, oblivious to the
true damnation you have caused. May humanity peacefully protest against the now-inevitable cataclysm you have brought upon yourselves.
Oh yeah. This is the sort of stuff that will be in the news all the time from now on. It’s pretty crazy already, but just remember what it was like during the pandemic. We were so deep in crazy town that nothing was considered surprising any more.