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  • I had to get a sleep mask because I can't put up blackout curtains in my apartment. Works well enough for me. But also, I'm pretty sure I've got a mutation on my DEC2 gene, because I only sleep 4-5 hours a night (or day, technically) and feel just fine, so I'm not sure if that helps or hinders my abilities during my waking hours.

  • On work days I always get a good 7-8 hours, but if I'm not working I very rarely manage more than 3-4, it's as if my brain feels like it's wasting the day. I'm one of those people who can operate comfortably on very little sleep. I use a sleep cycle alarm that is supposed to wake me when it senses I'm only sleeping lightly or something, no idea if any of that stuff's real/helpful but it can't hurt. I also maintain a healthy weight (I used to be overweight) which keeps pressure off my neck and reduces snoring & breathing interruptions, that definitely helps with feeling rested.

    Once in a blue moon my body decides to sleep about 9 hours longer than planned to catch up on missed sleep, but I either rarely feel particularly tired or I've been doing this long enough that I don't remember what being properly awake felt like 🤷‍♂️

  • I did this for a year and a half, and I never fully adjusted. I worked 4 10 hour days from 10pm til 8am.

    One thing that helped a lot was to go to bed straight after work. Then I'd wake up, go do stuff/work out/be social, then head into work again. The only thing that threw a monkey wrench into this for me was the 3 day weekend, where I'd find my body fighting to return to a normal schedule.

  • I certainly did. Rarely managed to get more than 5 - 6 hours sleep, spent half my time in an exhausted daze.