We hear about the freakouts, the verbal lashings, the accidents and many more.
But what are some small things, things that have little consequence but are still infuriating or that drive you up the wall?
Here are some examples of my own:
People flocking to the metro doors without leaving proper space for people to leave.
Hearing the same 3 questions at work every time.
People walking slow enough to pass but not letting you.
Then I get annoyed at the companies forcing them to meet unrealistic expectations or they stop getting jobs.
Then I get annoyed at myself for getting annoyed at the poor bastards busting their asses to make a living in a system that treats them as entirely replaceable.
I see so many uber drivers double parked right next to wide open parking on the side of the road. Not wanting parallel park I get, but just pull off to the side dude it's wide open! Your fare is slamming the rest of their beer, you got time!
Mostly pedantic language things like people misusing "empathy" (it's not a synonym to sympathy god-damn-it) and "disinterested" (not synonymous to uninterested god-damn-it). Misuse of semicolons is especially frustrating to me; there are so many people out there, who do not understand the weight difference a semicolon creates, and then thoughtlessly use it to seem smart (wink, wink).
Sorry it took me so long to respond; I had to find my copy of The Elements of Style by Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. Here is a relevant quote from that excellent style guide:
If two or more clauses grammatically complete and not joined by a conjunction are to form a single compound sentence, the proper mark of punctuation is a semicolon.
Mary Shelley’s works are entertaining; they are full of engaging ideas.
Mary Shelley’s works are entertaining. They are full of engaging ideas.
Mary Shelley’s works are entertaining, for they are full of engaging ideas.
A comparison of the three forms given above will show clearly the advantage of the first. It is, at least in the examples given, better than the second form because it suggests the close relationship between the two statements in a way that the second does not attempt, and better than the third because it is briefer and therefore more forcible. […]
Note that if the second clause is preceded by an adverb, such as accordingly, besides, then, therefore, or thus, and not by a conjunction, the semicolon is still required.
I had never been in the place before; besides, it was dark as a tomb.
Alright, back to me. A good example of what I’m referring to with “weight” is revealed when discussing how to properly use a semicolon with an ordinary colon. A semicolon is “heavier” than a colon; let me give you an example to illustrate this.
The answer: humanity is doomed; the people are angry.
This is stylisticly bad, because the semicolon separates the clause “the people are angry” from the context (the scope, if you’re a programmer) of the colon: now the clause is equal to the rest of the sentence, “The answer: humanity is doomed,” instead of serving as part of the clause “The answer:” is describing. The correct—that is, the intended—sentence would simply be this:
The answer: humanity is doomed, the people are angry.
One might think that this is illegal, as there is no conjunction, but, indeed, that presumption would be incorrect: “[…] humanity is doomed, the people are angry” is actually a list and the author of the sentence (me, muahahahaha) is using a literary device called asyndeton.
Here’s an example of asyndeton:
The ingredients of despair: hope, yearning, jealousy, conjecture.
The incorrect version would be with a semicolon introducing the last element of the list.
The ingredients of despair: hope, yearning, jealousy; conjecture.
Because the first example has only two elements, it can seem like one has to use a semicolon, but I think that the example given above shows how that is, in reality, quite absurd.
Alright, rant over, I hope this has sufficiently answered your question! Have a good day :)
Is English your native language? As a native Spanish speaker myself I find using semicolons correctly easy enough, but most english speakers prefer to avoid them and many just don't understand them. I've even had teachers at uni mark me down for using them appropriately. I gave up almost entirely with their use when writing in English because of this.
English class is just a place to go to be wrong according to someone with no actual skills.
English itself is the result of numerous rounds of multilingual people mashing together the most efficient bits of other languages. The rules are so inconsistent that there kind of aren't any. Also, written English and spoken English are two different languages with different rules, which is why you sound pompous when reading aloud formal essays and why you have to invent emoticons and even start to do rich formatting and change fonts to translate casual conversation into writing.
Take a persuasive writing class at an American college, typically numbered as ENG-112, they might touch on a few points about how to create effective arguments, they're mostly going to grade on pedantic points of grammar, punctuation, spelling and MLA formatting. They're not going to teach you a damn thing about teaching, partially because they're obligated to generate test scores and testing a skill-based curriculum is more difficult than a pedantic rule following one, and mostly because they don't have any actual teaching skills themselves.
Which is why there is a nationwide industry of your high school teacher teaching you how to use semicolons and a college professor marking you wrong for doing it that way.
People spelling "seperately" instead of "separately".
People on the motorway overtaking you just so they can drive slower than you once they're in front of you. I always wonder why did they bother overtaking in the first place.
I do that sometimes, but only if the person in front of me is driving slower than my cruise control. then i overtake them, during which they obviously have to speed up and when i go back to cruise control speed now I'm the slow one
I work with doctors who are probably the most well educated people in the world, and I have lost esteem of their intellect for several of them for an assortment of reasons, largely COVID related:
Asked me how to spell tax, born English speaking.
A neurosurgeon who cuts into people's brains routinely barely got the required vaccinations for COVID to stay employed, and assured me children don't need COVID vaccines because they are immune, tried to work mask free long before mandates were lifted, and grabbed my hand and shook it during a lockdown point where we were all decidedly not touching each other.
Assured me I didn't need any more COVID vaccines beyond the two. I have had nine.
Assured me I didn't need to wear an N95 during Delta.
Spelled God Gaud.
Wildly incorrect diagnosis where he should have known better.
They mostly don't respect trans people, most doctors don't.
Said his patients are all nuts.
Cheap as dirt and highly ungrateful for the people that work for them.
Has a violent case of BPD and was so abusive she was dismissed.
Tried to murder his ex.
Beat his ex.
Did murder his ex.
Borrowed money from patients twice, sexually abused his patients twice, lost license thankfully.
Would be kicking the wall in the OR if she got angry instead of tending to her patient under anesthesia.
Also nurses. Why are so many nurses so shitty? Even beyond the antivax ones, I know nurses who would steal insulin to euthanize animals at home (which is NOT humane), nurses who said about a suicide victim "Well she got what she wanted", nurses who showed me pictures in the act of threesomes, nurses who stole anesthesia meds for sleeping, nurses who ended up in relationships with patients, and nurse managers who I'm quite convinced were sociopaths, who told one of the clerks that she was a body at a desk and easily replaced.
I realize we're all human but fuck it's awful how many of them are perfect idiots.
The trope in movies where everyone drops their guns and does everything a psychopathic murderer says, because he is holding a gun to someone else's head. Congratulations, you just got that person and yourselves killed. He's not going to suddenly have a change of heart and become reasonable just because you dropped your only means of defending yourself against him.
People that drive 20 under the speed limit in the left lane.
I've been thinking about writing to the police chief, my politicians, and possibly starting a grass roots campaign in my area to get police to start enforcing impeding the flow of traffic laws. It's infuriating how much of my time gets wasted by obvious, slow-ass drivers.
I don't understand why people cannot move as soon as they get on an escalator. The train station smells like piss and there's pigeon shit everywhere. Let's fucking move it!
Local council food scrap bags. We're supposed to separate our food waste and store it in compostable bags made of cornstarch plastic. Which start to break down the moment you put something wet in there, like food tends to be. How hard is it to design a bag that stays intact from Wednesday to Wednesday?!
Whatever, now my wife has her own compost bin I can cut out the middle man.
Where I live you can either use those cornstarch types or paper bags (very similar to yard waste bags). I like the paper bag for the big bin that goes in the roadside, but cornstarch ones for the one in the kitchen that only sticks around a day or two. Perhaps raise the idea with your local council.
I prefer curbside system because it is able to accept many things that my at home compost can't handle like dog shit, meats and those biodegradable "plastics" that need industrial facilities. Also apartments.
I would expect that to actually make you smell worse. Like the scent of a gamer who hasn't showered all weekend so you can blend in with the rest of your friend group but you're actually an avid gardener.
One time many years ago, the hair conditioner I was using smelled so delicious that I just had to have a curious taste to see what it was like. Disappointing to say the least lol. Yes, I was old enough to know better...I was not a small child when I did this lol
For some reason it bothers me greatly when people talk about the number 2 being special because "it's the only even prime number". Like of course, that's literally how they are defined. It's like saying "did you know 3 is the only prime number divisible by 3?"
I want to find the man who put sound effects in Microsoft Minesweeper, whenever that happened? When it went from grey Windows 95 looking to the blue background and the smiley face disappeared. I want to find the guy who put those sound effects in the game, and I want to hand plane his scrotum off and then send him home with nothing holding his testicles on but his fruit of the looms.
Okay Mr speedy gonzolaz, I can see your high powered LED sun beam headlights that are so far up my tail pipe my engine compartment looks like a disco.
I get you want to pass me. I want you to pass me to so you can get to your DWI faster. Unfortunately I am going 75mph in a 65mph speed zone and there are a whole line of stoners driving 45 to the nearest source of frozen pizza filling the right lane.
Yes, i can see you are somehow immune to speeding tickets and want to go 95mph. No I don't want to get over in the right lane and go 45mph just for you my special boy.
Please wait one half of a minute while I clear this conga line of slow pokes and then you will be free to speed off to your inevitable demise.