Trump winning supports the genocide of every LGBTQ+ person in all of North America, be it directly or indirectly. No one wants what is happening in Gaza. But, I have to say the potential genocide (in the sense of complete erasure of culture as well as open murders with little to no consequences sense) here is even higher.
I have the unfortunate circumstance of being a trans woman in GA. I already have had to completely shut off most contact with people, both work and personal.
I’ve already had rocks thrown at me in an attempt to kill me (this was years ago, even). I already feel like I have to carry a gun. If things go the way they seem, I will even have to order in groceries because it will further empower the people that hate my existence.
The foreign policy is shit, no question. However, I don’t like the possibility of being raped and murdered by some asshole that thinks he understands Co² emissions after watching some video.
I have a lot to say here, especially as a very blue collar machinist. I will refrain, though.
In conclusion: by “avoiding” the genocide in Gaza (which would have in my opinion had a much higher chance of being resolved with Democratic policies), you have also doomed people like me to maybe live in fear for the rest of our lives.
I have to reply here because SDF was down for a while and federation is still catching up. I want yout to know, though, you've kept me laughing and that has helped me a lot, so thanks for that.
A genocide of brown people too. And not just the ones in the U.S. illegally. Anyone who is brown and happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time either without ID or with an ID that a cop thinks is fake or stolen is going to be sent to a camp. That's not even a "potential" thing. Trump has promised to deport millions of people. There is no way they can do that without accidentally deporting plenty of citizens and putting them in concentration camps first while they work out extradition deals.
So this is wild speculation but if you had to gander, how many days do you think we have till Russia v Poland, 180? 360? I think we are going to have to Tony Hawk it and say 720 at most. Normally it takes Russia 8 years to get a new erection but I hear Trump's got pills in his mouth
In conclusion: by “avoiding” the genocide in Gaza (which would have in my opinion had a much higher chance of being resolved with Democratic policies), you have also doomed people like me to maybe live in fear for the rest of our lives.
Doesn't matter. They get to LARP with their purity politics. The lives of American minorities don't matter to them.
I've taken to calling them out as exactly what they are: virtue signallers. Like you said, they're just larping about caring about these people, and boy do they get salty when they have to deny it.
Odessa, Texas has bounties. Trans person uses the “wrong” bathroom, they can be sued for 10k by any private citizen. Also a misdemeanor crime.
Nex Benedict was jumped and murdered in a high school bathroom in Oklahoma, and the murder was covered up with cooperation between the Owasso PD and the state board of education.
Many states have already invalidated trans licenses. My state has legally defined me back to female. My drivers license says male. That could probably get me sent to jail.
I mean, we've already had conversion therapy camps that families throw their queer or questioning kids into. Who's to day that's not a solution dreamed up here: Project 2025
Forgot this part: LGBTQ+ and what they are already doing now: mediamatters
What about trans people getting marched one by one into prisons with the wrong gender because they got reported for pissing in a public toilet?
Because it’s already the law to do that in some states. I can tell you more about what happens to trans people in prison if you don’t already know, but suffice to say it’s bad.
Oh trump is going to help flatten Gaza with such a raging boner. Everyone that voted “uncommitted” has the blood on their hands they blamed others. Fucking repugnant
I'd encourage any readers of this comment to look at this idiots most recent few posts. They're a lying, genocide celebrating piece of shit - astroturf or otherwise.
You fought for this result, and now you're going to try to pretend that you were doing the exact opposite? Fuck all the way off.
Honestly I'm hoping he gets stuck between a rock and a hard place. IF he lets Israel do so he cannot help Putin defend Iran, his missile and Drone supplier. Millions will suffer, no doubt. It's horrifying, but Trump can't let Israel kill wildly (hard to say they haven't been) until he gets the majority of the U.S. to side against Russias invasion of Ukraine. Which means also turning against trade agreements in Europe. He will have to kill so much to gain little. (A few beach condos in the West Bank) Is what all of that started about. His son did the appraisals if I remember correctly.
Meaning. Would it not be easier to collect $2 billion in kick backs from Putin and ditch Israel. My thought is that is what he will choose. He will say the ammo caches we have their are dated, and we have no interest supporting foreign wars. So cut funding and ammunitions to Ukraine/Israel. His base will act like it is for a good reason... And he gets his wish. Russia will make an agreement with Iran which will make an agreement with the entire area... That a few beach properties are set aside for the Trump family businesses
After all, the cache loses are U.S. tax dollars, not his
Everyone that voted “uncommitted” has the blood on their hands
Once again, the peaceful protesters are responsible for the state violence inflicted upon them. Its just like when the BLM protesters cost Hillary the election. Or when the LGBTQ community and the anti-war movement handed Bush a second term.
Just stop resisting! Stop resisting! Stop resisting or you will be hurt much worse! And then you will have only yourself to blame!
I told this to one of the tankies over in leftymemes, got called a genocide apologist and banned. Funny thing is, one of their mods is trans. Not American, though, so it doesn't matter to her I guess. And let me tell you, that mod in particular, she was working hard to convince people not to vote for Harris. Didn't have much to say about Trump, though... pretty interesting.
Asking a tankie what the best path forward is for the US is like a black man asking a Klansman for career advice. They want to see us burn, not be better.
Asking a capitalist what the best path forward is for the US is like a black man asking a Klansman for career advice. They want to see us destitute, not be better.
Its always amazing to me.the lengths someone will go to to avoid blaming their party or candidate for a loss. The blame is not even directed to the millions of people who actively voted for the fascist, but to the political minority with the least impact on the result.
Lets face facts. The DNCs strategy to move to the right and court the mythical moderate Republican failed again. Their strategy to fund extremist Republican candidates in local races was another bet on the goodwill of the GOP voters and look they lost the Senate. They failed you.
They failed the country. They had a huge hand in creating the trump mess for their own assumed gain and yet, none of the average libs will acknowledge it. They took the votes of independents and leftists for granted and decided Liz Cheney and AIPAC would bring them victory and they failed again. Face it.
First and foremost, Republican voters are to blame.
Voters who didn't make the choice of voting for the milquetoast liberal instead of the overt fascist are to blame.
People who argued for the both sides are the same rhetoric ad nauseam are to blame. I wholeheartedly agree that both sides suck, but let's not be delusional there's obviously one that's worst.
The Democratic party which propped up the most extreme fascists while courting anything supposedly both undecided and to their right instead of all the leftist voters are to blame.
Even if it's conceptually easier to handle, in such a shitty situation there's usually a lot of blame to go around.
Agreed, it's their civic duty, but if 2/3rds of the people think the electoral college needs to go,it's the civic duty of the politicians to represent that.
The US democracy is just so terrible that just blaming the voters is the easy way out. It's the undemocratic system which year over year hasn't changed even though the consequences were predicted year over year.
This is not hindsight!
Trump won against Harris by a margin multiple times the size of all the third party votes combined. Blaming Stein or Gaza protestors for the loss is false. Heck, this shows that Harris lost Michigan by far more than the total number of Arab-American and Muslim voters in the state. But we get blamed anyway, it’s an American tradition by this point for both parties to hate us.
A week or so ago they had an AMA with someone in Gaza on Hexbear where someone dared to ask the question what the situation was with LGBTQI+ rights right now.
Dude replied: "oh there are no gay people in Gaza, because everyone's religious here"
Made me frown but upvotes galore and I think they now ran a pretty succesful gofundme for him
I suppose it's not the best. But if things go really wrong. Every LGBT migrant is welcome in my country (Spain). We have some of the most advanced laws on LGBT protection on the planet.
And while we have our share of far right that wants ti abolish LGBT rights, it is unlikely they will succeed at this even if they reach power (please, don't let this afe like milk).
Sure those are both bad. But now we get to take bets on which country sees the first mass casualty event due to unsurvivable wet bulb temps, and we can over-under the year the first US state gets a taste of boiling alive in their own juices.
Here in GA, we've gotten close. I had to quit the job I temporarily stopped working for myself for last year because of heat exhaustion. It's bad. I fainted in 110° F temps with 89% humidity. Trump will make thus worse.
Jeebus. Trans machinist in Georgia? That's a hard row to hoe there, hun. I ran a shop during 2020 and about half my crew was black. The political insanity ripped it apart.
Born and raised in Alabama, we moved to a northern state this summer. You need to think hard about getting out. We are not registered as Dems, but instead independent. Probably going to remove face pics from fet. Don't fly a pride flag. Figure if you're white, you'll be okay for a while. Probably be a while before they come after LGTBQ. Maybe things get better, IDK.
Keep your head down and your powder dry.
Our family motto is: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Yeah where's all the fucking dipshits that were on here before yelling nonstop about Kamala not getting their vote because of the genocide in Gaza, hmm? I guess Russia doesn't need to employ them anymore.
They’re still here, for some reason. Maybe everyone thought the election would take a few days to call and so they paid for a few more days of disinformation?
I feel really sad for Americans right now, especially anyone who needs/might need any procedure that could be construed as "abortion" (like the many reports of women who died because hospitals wouldn't take on the liability of terminating a clearly unviable fetus), and those in the LGBTQIA+ communities.
I feel the worst for those groups, though all of you have my sympathies.
As you might infer, I am not an American, and I am unable to vote in US elections. I am Canadian, and while I can't speak for all Canadians to invite you to come join us, I will say that, abortion is legal here. Every major city has a pride event every year. There's always protests to both, as you would expect (people exercising their rights to free speech), but there's no criminality in being LGBTQIA+ nor in getting an abortion.
Personally, anyone who wants to abandon this fight and flee to the north, I don't blame you, and if we ever meet, you will be accepted by me and the people I know for who you are.
I hate that a single DUI can disqualify someone from entering Canada. I understand why the rule is there, and I strongly disagree with the way it is applied to DUIs.
The way I understand it is that you cannot enter Canada if you have a specific severity of criminal conviction on your record, which a DUI barely makes the cut for. The underlying rule is good, we don't want a bunch of theives, muggers, and killers to be given a free pass into Canada, but DUI? Especially if it was once, a long time ago? C'mon.
I hope the pardon thing pans out for you, friend. Stay safe.
Just avoid the province of Alberta at all costs. Alberta is currently making access to transgender healthcare difficult, starting with a legislation to ban minors under-16 from accessing lifesaving medical care
Yeah, I was telling my partner that the conservatives will probably come for our guns before the democrats. Especially if Trump gets elected. But hopefully I'm wrong.
I feel for your very unfortunate situation, but maybe you should've demanded more from your party, instead of putting the blame on people who draw the line at genocide. If the choice is between the number of genocides, maybe we should take a step back and reflect a little because this doesn't stop anywhere. Next time there will be two, three...
Republicans can go as fascist as they want, but if the Democrats are drugged in this race to the right, they will lose. They endorsed the wall, they did nothing about the immigrants and they 100% backed a genocide no questions asked, ever, what difference is an immigrant or Arab supposed to see from this?
No matter how much you accuse the people who didn't vote, the truth of the matter is that nothing will change if you don't demand from your party to stand for some values. For now, they follow Trump moving to the right.
Our party? Democrats are no more my party than Republicans are. They are objectively the better option for someone like me given the alternative, but in no way do they represent me. They are just another element of the capitalist corporate hegemony, and I'm just a consumer to them.
I don't understand why only one group of people can be blamed.
Trump voters, non voters, the democratic party, etc all have varying amounts of blood on their hands. Be it the blood of Gazaouites, queer folks, immigrants, or simply women.
Because the democrats didn't stand by any values that supposedly differentiated them from the republicans like I explained, but you don't seem to really care. You can put it on non-voters or third party voters all you want, the truth is that Netanyahu got anything he ever wanted and asked for by the US under Biden and Harris and not acknowledging this is part of the problem. Immigrants got the same treatment under them as well, which I also mention and you don't really care.
That's the issue with not having any red line, you will always play by the rules of the far right. And that will make you indistinguishable from them which will alienate the people who want change. They don't see an alternative to a very very dark situation. In good faith, you would very much understand why endorsing the wall, genocide Gaza and standing proudly by it, supporting Israel unwaveringly, not promoting any substantial progressive economic or ecological policies and in general why having an extreme neoliberal agenda would not compel people to vote for you.
It's not on the disappointed voters that you people can't understand what having a red line means. Consequentialism simply does not hold up when the difference are so miniscule and the evil is so big.
I'm really tired of going over this again and again, if you could feel a fraction of the pain the democrats and their oligarchs brought by committing the worst crime against humanity of the 21st century and how the millions of pleas for embargo went ignored this past year and a month, you wouldn't be asking this.
I wasn't the first to ask the question, but I haven't heard an answer: If the genocide of Palestine is an acceptable price to pay to get a Democrat elected, then why wouldn't trans genocide also be an acceptable price because of the threat to cis women? The utilitarian ethical calculation still works just fine.
You could ask that question, but the answer doesnt matter politically. Women, cis and trans, are on the same side in that if the genocide of the latter is plausible, the former is already pretty hard done by. A worsening of one position necessarily accompanies the other. Gaza does not work like this. Republicans are obviously the worse choice there too. You can argue about red lines and such, but thats not how realpolitik works. We get two options, nothing more or less, zero alternatives. The consensus necessary to change this is not possible in the current political climate. Denying support to the lesser evil on the basis of said evil when their opponent will do that same evil but more is not logical.
Tangentially relatee, there are those who sacrifice trans women for the sake of cis women. We call them terfs, and they've largely backed rightwing parties
I think you are asking the wrong person, I'm the one saying the Palestinian genocide crosses the line. Although I don't 100% understand the logic behind this. What's the threat to cis women?
Although I'm suspecting the answer someone would give you is that it's because the trans genocide will happen to "us the US citizens" not some Arabs at the other side of the world we don't really care that much about.
One is occupied, in an open air prison, being bombed, no food, no water and no one to aid them. The other may have some of their rights taken. Don't compare the two.
They may also be barred from exercising certain professions and be treated as all around second class citizens.
They may also be barred from life saving medications and procedures.
They will be subject to more violence up to and including murder and it may be swept under the rug.
At least be a bit more exhaustive. And they isn't restricted to queer people. They're also racized folks, muslim, jewish, or simply women.
And while I agree that there aren't many situations which remotely might compare to the literal hell on earth that is Gaza, let's not forget that a lot of other people are in sucky situations which will get worse as a result of that election.
Never forget: Trump doesn't truly care about anything, except himself. Not even his family (not even Ivanka). He used certain hot-topic issues to get himself elected and thereby stay out of jail, but now he will promptly drop and forget all about them. He can't be elected again, so he won't even bother campaigning. I mean... maybe he'll become a king and nobody will ever vote again, but even there, he won't be "appealing to people's worst instincts" anymore - his election not only is a gamer-changer, it has literally CHANGED THE GAME. Except he's so terribly old, that sometime during his next term he will go the route of Biden and just kinda sit down and rest but never get back up.
We saw this shortly after his first election, where the literal KKK got so terribly disappointed in him for not showing up for them. Granted, he shifted the scale, but nowhere close to what they wanted. And after his impeachment, he failed to show up for the people who were put in jail for showing up for him. And even before all of that, when he was given the Republican nomination prior to his first election, he said that he'd fix campaign financing and unfairness, then within a week (probably a day) said that he was never going to do that. Hey, remember "Lock her up"? Yeah, she's not locked up, and never will be.
Trump LIED.
So I get why you are feeling down - but don't allow yourself to fall too deep into depression. That's what they want you to do - to give up without a fight. But you should not, b/c there's work to be done - you are needed:-).
We're going to see both ends played against the middle. I fully expect to see wave after wave of (often AI generated) images and testimonials, depicting Arab men and Trans Women fighting each other tooth-and-claw, while I'm told I need to apologize for the savagery of these two groups.
There was always going to be a fight, it was only a matter of how we were going to fight.
The conflict lines are already shaping up. Palestinian Rights Activists robbed Trans people of their freedom and dignity. Trans Activists sacrificed POC on the alter of convenience. The only way forward is to abandon both causes and accept a compromised second class citizenship mediated by a bunch of straight white wealthy bureaucrats. Otherwise, we'll get the business end of the police baton while the media reports us all as violent dissidents and human shields.
Maybe you can realize that comparing genocides doesn't really help you.
"I don't care about that genocide because it is happening thousands of miles away and doesn't affect me even though it's my money funding it, but I do care about this genocide that's not yet happened but might happen to me"
If you can excuse one genocide then you can excuse them all. It doesn't suddenly matter because it's your life at stake.
this meme implies that lives of americans has more worth than lives of gazans. your rage is justified but outlawing essential healthcare for lgbtq+ is not the same as a hostile military force genociding and ethnically cleansing you. bad meme all around.
They don't care as long as it doesn't affect them. Did you ever see dem voters wish death to biden or obama. They are brain washed into thinking lesser evil is better. Evil is evil no matter what. Trump 4 years and then maybe dem another 4 years and the cycle repeats.
Yes, we all know that enabling TWO genocides is much better. That must be what you think, considering that's the direct result of your stance. The situation in Gaza was never going to change, but as for what COULD change, by fucking god, you sure made it change. It's thanks to virtue signalers like you that we now have foreign genocide with a side of domestic trans-hunting.
"no one wants what is happening in gaza, but the potential genocide in north America is even higher"
Have you tried opening a newspaper recently? What is happening in Palestine is worse than anything else happening in the world; to say that your potential event could be worse than that is a tremendous display of ignorance and insensitivity.
Trump will go along with whatever Israel wants to do. If Hamas was in power, I can all but guarantee they would be doing the same shit, if not worse.
ETA: I'm not advocating for what is going. I'm just rather pissed that so many people keep doing the counterproductive thing of using this as a reason to vote trump or sit this out. Considering that Trump is worse in this regard and with global warming, humanities only chance is to ramp up efforts like the US is a lost cause, because for the next 2 years at least, we are.
Where have you seen that I'm advocating for Trump? I'm not even American!
Every time I see someone criticizing the role of the US government in the Palestinian massacre, somebody come and says "yes but Trump".
I know trump is worse, can I still criticize the current US government or do I have to wait for the campaign to be over?
Well, it't won't be like Palestine, but KKK style lynchings, taking away the non-profit status of pro-LGBTQ+ organizations (if not jailing every member of them for "pornographic speech"), forced detrasitions, forced conversion therapies, and jail for existing in public.
I'm fully aware of what's happening in Sudan, but since multiple humanitarian organisations have explained that what's happening in Gaza is the worst they have ever seen, I think it's safe to say that this is worse than any situation
I hope you look back on this, and see how self centred you sound. I'm sorry you've had bad experiences, but comparing having rocks thrown at you (this was years ago, even), to the weight of us backed military drones shooting you in your hospital bed isnt helping
most people on this planet dont even get a vote, and that includes a lot of people in the us. American liberals will blame anything and anyone for their failing before looking in the mirror.
this post was obviously written by the russian agent who uses my account while I'm sleeping. No one really agrees with me, I'm not even real.