Thoughts on Laravel?
Thoughts on Laravel?
I’m thinking of learning it
Thoughts on Laravel?
I’m thinking of learning it
If you want to use PHP, and you want to be productive, there’s no other choice in my opinion. I will say, the brain behind it is quite opinionated and most of those opinions are correct. If you don’t agree with those opinions, you will probably find yourself hating it and fighting the Laravel Magic. Give in to the magic and get shit done.
I use PHP daily. The only thing that seems overly magical on a cursory glance is Livewire, but I’ll probably end up using Solid for the frontend anyway.
Yeah, we tried using Livewire at work, wouldn't recommend it for any usecase. Very buggy and unfinished, many times you'll still need to fallback to JS, passing certain data types to Livewire components is just not supported.