Thought I had to share...
Thought I had to share...

This had me in tears. Just wanted to share. Not sure if it breaks the rule about body deformities though
ANR When you spit roast them is it a threesome or a foursome?
I think the deformities rule is more for the lovecraftian body horror that can happen. If you look at it and it's a real boner killer. Stuff like this I see and think...
25 0 Replycryptik.rick OP I was scared of being weird by thinking it was kinda hot haha
6 0 Reply
Thanks, I hate it
19 0 Replymtfbwy66 4 0 Reply
mrgreyeyes What in the catdog is this?
15 0 ReplyMonosyllabicAmerican Alone in the world...
4 0 Reply
over_clox This is not a body deformity at all. This is an AI masturpiece haha! Keep em' cummin'...
9 0 ReplyFinal Remix It's pretty hot in a Cronenberg kind of way.
9 0 ReplyFlightsOfTheMind How does she poop
8 0 ReplyTinkerSickness Ever had oral and anal at the same time?
7 0 Replycryptik.rick OP Good question. On the bright side, she seems to be enjoying herself
6 0 Replyover_clox Asking the important questions here
2 0 Reply
kazakhspy One fine day with a woof and a purr~ A baby was born and it caused a little stir~
7 0 ReplyPeterPoopshit Wow if this is what gets through despite a "no deformities" rule I can only imagine what mind fucking abominations of science happen that don't make it to the internet.
7 0 ReplyNotMVD
Does she move like a dog or a worm?
6 0 Replyover_clox Yes
6 0 Reply
Bwa-hahahahahhahaha I hate this so bad! 🤣
6 0 Replyeditilly From the looks of her faces, I can see where food goes in, and where it comes out
3 0 ReplyMelissaMoanShart She's still recovering from Tuesday's Chipotle
1 0 Reply