Cast your spell with style! In this article, we explore different ways you can use the often-overlooked material components of spells to spice up your c...
Ignoring or handwaving components is 100% legit. DMs and groups should not use so many rules that they get overwhelmed.
We do use a lot of component related stuff in our campaign because we're such hopeless tryhards. A list of magic words for the verbal components, and costs added to the material components low-level food-and-light–giving spells such as Light and Dancing Lights. And the special ink that wizards use in their spellbook.
It's a part of the game I really love 🤷🏻♀️
The idea is that when we're counting torches or trying to buy a pearl or incense, our concerns are the same as the character's concern. We are doing what they are doing. There's something magical in that.
That's not to sell anyone else on this philosophy. I love it so we do it—don't do it if you don't love it. Keep it simple and keep the parts of the game that you love.
And we absolutely do use focus or component pouch for all non-costed components so we don't have to track basic eyelashes and guano. We also use the rule from Tasha's Cauldron that even rangers and paladins can use a focus. (That might've just been an oversight in the PHB.)
I wish I could find a party full of players like you. I love it when players take the care to feel the negative effects of adventuring. My current character is a barbarian who wears a military-style uniform. When not raging, he is obsessed a little with keeping a neat, disciplined appearance and maintaining his clothing according to a high standard. But he can never do that, because he “Hulks out” in pretty much every combat and covers his uniform in gore and blood and unspeakable filth.
We spend a lot of time worrying about finding my character clean clothes, or laundry service, because it’s what the character himself is concerned with.
Interesting article, as a new DM I admit I mostly ignore components. It feels like I have enough to manage. I mostly leave it up to players if they want to make a thing of it.
word of advice from a seasoned veteran DM: paying attention to components is a great way to keep your spell casters more in line with the martial characters when it comes to utility and combat (otherwise, they'll eventually end up stealing the show).
For instance, Revivify is a great spell - 3rd level, relatively common on spell lists, and is a great way to keep PCs alive in the early-to-mid game. But, without component requirements, it can very easily turn into a crutch for a party, where a Paladin or Barbarian will make their heroic stand every battle, simply because they know the cleric/paladin/druid/artificer/etc. has a "get out of death free" card up their sleeve.
Unless, of course, you require the 300 gp of diamonds for each use of the spell. Sure, by the time the character can cast 3rd level spells, 300 gp is relatively inexpensive. But, the specific requirement of diamonds adds in a layer of sourcing. Maybe they could only find 600 gp of diamonds in their last large city they passed through, and so now they've only got two Revivify spells to last them? Suddenly, that "get out of death free" card turns into a valuable resource the party has to manage. Or that small amount of diamonds they were given as a reward becomes far more valuable.
Even better is Banishment - which requires "something distasteful to the target".
In mid-to-late game, this becomes even more prominent, with spells like "Circle of Death" requiring 500 gp worth of rare components, or Holy Aura (super powerful divine spell that gives nearby party members advantage on all saving throws, and enemies disadvantage on all attack roles against them) requiring a religious reliquary from either a saint or holy book that's worth at lease 1000 gp.
You don't necessarily want to restrict/punish what they can do, but you don't want to give them a completely blank check either.