Or it could be regular family people that are sick of seeing their taxes going to countries not even in NATO.
I thought republicans didn't even like NATO, what's the butthurt about this?
Or the fact that the inflation during this administration has American choosing food or medicine.
We had to choose that long before this administration. The primary source of inflation is corporate greed and the top 0.1% demanding more from the rest of us, while paying less themselves, a position they only get away with because of conservatives.
Or the fact that during this administration housing has become only a dream.
Because there are no penalties or dis-incentives for corporations not to buy up all the land and houses. Every time we try to impose such rules, it gets shot down by republicans.
Or the facts that the current administration opened the boarder to bring cheap labor to replace us.
Border. Also, the implied violence and expulsion against undocumented workers is what enables employers to pay them such a cheap wage and enforce abysmal working conditions on them. The correct solution is to provide an easy path for work visas, and heavily penalize companies for hiring undocumented workers. You'll never guess who is against doing that though...
Your comment is peak "stick in bicycle" meme.