That would be nice... we have so many other existential problems we need to solve right now without trucker-hat fascism innovating new ways for us all to lose.
The thing is, Trump is the republican party's proposed presidential candidate, right? They believe he's the best they've got, right? I fear another idiot will follow in his wake in four years.
Apparently he was whining about his mic not working so he made the only logical choice that he is capable of in a situation where he needs something from something far more cerebral than he is….
You're being too kind. On top of the whining, he was relentlessly berating his backstage crew calling them stupid and openly saying things like no wonder he doesn't pay his contractors for petty things like this. What an irritable assclown.
Jesus is also said to lure people into the faith of his father, a jealous, murderous, abuser.
If someone told you, if you don't worship me I'll murder your people in droves... they probably aren't a kind being. If they say when they return, they will "save" you from your life by killing you and everyone you know and then burning everyone that doesn't agree with them for an eternity.. they probably aren't a good entity. Satan must have a lot to live up to to be meaner than god
Jesus tap-dancing Roosevelt christ on a unicycle. This is an individual who has a pretty good shot at being the leader of the most powerful armed forces of the world, and (I believe) the largest economy. What the everloving gobstopping fuck.
He's like a dancing bear. He will do ANYTHING he thinks will please his disciples. It's come down to, look at me. I'm funny and interesting. You'll love me over these normal people that ruin everything.
I don't really give a fuck to be honest. Him doing something funny is pretty inconsequential to the potential end of US Democracy and dissolution of NATO.
This is unbearable, Lemmy, reddit and other left leaning social medias have become unbearable around election seasons, Liberals copying right wing tactics is like eating your own shit. and it is disgusting.
I get the panic, but it is making you just as brain dead as the other camp. hopefully things will dial down past election day.