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What is a genetic modification that would cause a massive chain reaction to possibly horrific effects?

Let's keep things simple two rules.

  • No giving sentience, This is a no brainer issue.
  • Let's keep it to beings under the Animilia kingdom. "mutated virus/bacteria" is a common trope.

To start:

Let's modify ants to have lungs.

Most insects are constrained by the amount of oxygen they can acquire through their exoskeleton.

Imagine how big they can get if they didn't have that constraint?

  • Ok, take this with a grain of salt because I read about it ages ago in a dubious pop-sci book and my memory is shaky. One time, they tried to gene edit yeast to be able to survive much higher alcohol concentrations. There's lots of good reasons to want to do this... Beer/wine is just about the strongest beverage you can make without distillation of some kind because the yeast dies. Making way higher ethanol yields just from fermentation makes biofuel way more viable. Stuff like that.

    EXCEPT... It nearly escaped, and was able to survive on it's own. Yeast is very ubiquitous in nature, so a wild yeast that can tolerate massive ethanol concentrations could conceivably have altered life on earth as we know it.

    A cursory internet search isn't turning up anything about this, but I'm pretty sure I read it in the book Everything Is Going to Kill Everybody, if anyone wants to look harder than I did.

  • A new species of bear develops the temperament and train-ability of a domesticated dog.

    People love the domesticated bears. They're so big and cuddly. The bears quickly become the most desired pets in the world.

    Bear breeding farms sprout up all around the world where the bears are subjected to awful conditions. There's a general outcry against this but people keep buying the bears and the cruelty doesn't stop.

    Many of the bears are abandoned by their owners when they become adults and the owner realizes how expensive feeding a fully-grown bear is. And that's before we get into the issue of the piles of poop the animals leave behind!

    Although feral bears are smaller in size than their wild cousins, their sheer numbers makes their dominance in the wilderness inevitable. Habitats are destroyed and wild bears all become further endangered as the feral bears encroach on their territory and compete for food.

    Animal control in every part of the world needs its budget doubled or tripled to deal with the problem, but many governments are slow to act on the issue.

    Feral bears without fear of humans become common sights in small towns and the outskirts of cities, where they reap unmitigated havoc and destruction.

    The governments of the world finally respond as the feral bear populations make their way into wealthier areas, but their responses tend to punish responsible bear owners as much or more than they actually address the bear-related problems.

    In America, the Supreme Court rules that the right to "bear arms" includes the right to own a bear, so the few places that manage to have sensible restrictions on ownership are forced to drop them.

  • Amaranth that can grow on sand and be watered with seawater

    Edit: ops, only animals? Make bees able to break down any kind of sugar into honey

  • Some common form of bacteria modified to break down plastics rapidly the way they do organic matter. Youd see buildings falling apart, packaging need to be redesigned for everything, electronics rotting, etc.