Not to rain on the parade but this dude was fairly crazy. So long as extreme division is still being peddled over the… every single form of media, nothing will change.
Yeah, this wasn't your typical MAGA nut. He was quite extra. Plus, he attacked one of our top federal officers, aiming for 3rd in line to the Presidency.
Lots of reasons this guy is getting buried that didn't/won't apply to your typical MAGA terrorist.
Typical lemmy, downvoting OP because you sense he might not be saying something you like.
Hey OP! Call Trump some childish names so we all know where you stand!
Well this is true, At least they shovedsomebody in there that fucking did it. Unlike the likely innocent people they've killed recently, or the one that was exonerated and is still in jail I believe?
Prison is our fucking answer to everything. No house? Prison. Said something bad? Prison. Had a bad month and hit somebody? Prison. Prison. Prison.
We lean on it as a convenient one-stop solution when we could instead do work to rehabilitate people, fix the problem, or prevent the problem from happening. The reason our prisons are overflowing is because no one is stepping up and saying, "maybe prison shouldn't be our answer to every single societal problem."
stop saying "prison should exist because of this one case"
there will always be extreme cases that need to be handled differently from the default setting. but the default setting should not be prison, it should be rehabilitation.
Not for every problem, but if you're physically dangerous there's not many better solutions. We need preventive measures so fewer people end up in that state, but you can't prevent away ongoing violence.
Prison or a psych ward should absolutely be the answer to someone trying to kill a stranger with a hammer because of what they heard on radio/TV. I don’t care how bad someone’s month was if they’re trying to kill me.
I agree with you about prison not being a panacea for criminal / violent behavior.
When given the chance to address the court prior to his sentencing, DePape, dressed in prison orange and with his brown hair in a ponytail, spoke at length about Sept. 11 being an inside job, his ex-wife being replaced by a body double, and his government-provided attorneys conspiring against him.
“I’m a psychic,” DePape told the court, reading from sheets of paper. “The more I meditate, the more psychic I get.”
While I don't think that DePape should be released into the public, it sounds like some sort of psychiatric facility would be more appropriate for him. Ignoring mental health issues is not going to make them go away and maybe if he and others like him were put someplace where he could be observed then we, as a society, may be able to put some policies in place to address future potential dangers before they culminate in violence.